Death Rattle #2

Krupp/Kitchen Sink

Will say which printing it is.

1st - 1973
1st edition cover click for detailed view
⇒ $.50 cover price
⇒ 52 pages
⇒ (10,000) copies.
⇒ 6 3/4” x 9 3/4” size

See also:
Death Rattle #1
Death Rattle #3
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.1
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.2
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.3
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.4
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.5
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.6
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.7
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.8
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.9
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.10
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.11
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.12
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.13
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.14
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.15
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.16
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.17
Death Rattle Vol.2 No.18
Death Rattle Vol.3 No.1
Death Rattle Vol.3 No.2
Death Rattle Vol.3 No.3
Death Rattle Vol.3 No.4
Death Rattle Vol.3 No.5

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