Good Jive Comix #1

Pooo Bear Productions

A Version- 1972
good-jive-01.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ $.50 cover price
⇒ 36 pages
⇒ (20,000) copies
⇒ 6 7/8” x 10” size
⇒ The dot (zip-a-tone) pattern on the arm of “Brijit” on the front cover runs vertical and horizontal.
:?: scan

B Version- 1972
good-jive-01.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ $.50 cover price
⇒ 36 pages
⇒ (20,000) copies
⇒ 7” x 10 1/8” size
⇒ The dot (zip-a-tone) pattern on the arm of “Brijit” on the front cover runs diagonally and the dots are a smaller size.
:?: scan

See also:
Good Jive Comix #2

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