Head Comix, R. Crumb

März / Zweitausendeins

1st - 1970
head-comix-1970-front.jpg head-comix-1970-back.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ no cover price
⇒ 116 pages
:?: copies
⇒ German Underground
⇒ 26 x 19 cm size
⇒ Softcover Book
⇒ Pupirse scan
⇒ März Verlag
⇒ 1st Edition incl. Poster / there exists a pirate edition of this one

2nd - 197:?:
head-comix-zweitausendeins.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ no cover price
⇒ 116 pages
:?: copies
⇒ German Underground
⇒ 30,2 x 21,4 cm size
⇒ Hardcover Book
⇒ Pupirse scan
⇒ März bei Zweitausendeins Verlag
⇒ 5 stories changed + new cover

3rd - 1982
head-comix-1982-front.jpg head-comix-1982-back.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ no cover price
⇒ 112 pages
:?: copies
⇒ German Underground
⇒ 29,5 x 21 cm size
⇒ Softcover Book
⇒ Pupirse scan
⇒ März Verlag
⇒ reprinted the 2nd edition with the cover from the first edition
⇒ there are up to 7 :?: printings of this edition (says which printing)

See also:

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