101 Views of the Asshole

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), June 03, 2008, 04:28:51 PM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

Anyone have a scan of this Panter comix that he did after The Asshole (1980)?

Comix Junky

I could post a scan of my asshole
Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.

50Cent #II (1st print)

Comix Junky

Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.

Sir Real

Timeo Hominem Unius Libri

50Cent #II (1st print)

Lots of views, but no info.  I wasn't aware of this one either until Gary Panter mentioned it to me in an e-mail yesterday. Looks like JK only listed the 2nd comix he did (the Asshole from 1980) and not Hup (from 1977) and 101 Views of the Asshole (that he did after the Asshole) as well as Pee-Dog (1982 or so).  By the way, "Poop-Dog" comix (which was a friendly rip-off of "Pee-Dog") was done by the Reverends Ivan Stang & Sterno(dox) Keckhaver.
If anyone finds a scan of the cover, please post it so I know what I'm looking for.