Bruce Conner died.

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), July 15, 2008, 04:46:03 PM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

On 7 July 2008, about a week ago Bruce Conner died at age 74.  I just found out today from Branaman.  He was one of the most well known artists/(experimental) artistic film makers of his era and friend of Ginsberg, Plymell and Branaman and that group of Beat Generation poets and artists from the late 50's to mid 60's (and the precursors to the Hippie and therefore the Underground movements).

50Cent #II (1st print)

Here's a little more info. regarding Conner.

His most notable experimental films are "A Movie" and "Report" which was about the J.F. Kennedy assasination.  Another notable is "Breakaway" from 1966 which was a short "music video" played forward and backwards, long before there were music videos that features a dancer (with some short nude scenes) who would later be known as Toni Basil (Oh Mickey, wasn't this the first music video played on MTV?).

Comix Junky

I think it was
"Video killed the radio star"
That was the first MTV video.

Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.