"Not Suspicious"!

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), July 16, 2008, 10:55:46 AM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/7505443.stm "Not Suspicious"

Must have been just like that scene in the remake of the Andromeda Stain.

Sir Real

Sure, a complete transection of the neck isn't the least bit suspicious.
Timeo Hominem Unius Libri


Flying chainsaws. Very common in certain parts of the world.


 I'll bet the chain saw manufacturer did not have that safety caution in their Manual

  "  Safety Caution:   Do not apply chain saw to your neck.  Operating in such a manner could result in permanent injury"       :chainsaw:     :11:    :angel12:    :crybaby2:

Comix Junky

But was it suicide?

it don't say suicide in the article.

Something between suicide and suspicious, i guess.
Must of been an accedent.
Or a judicaly sentenced exicution.
Maybe an act of war? Those are not considered "suspicious", right?

Wait, "Not Suspicious" Does not necesarly mean that it wasn't a crime.
Let me state the obvous.
Since we all know that the deviloper killed him to get him out of the building,
There's no suspence in that.
The cops saw it comming. Bribe or no bribe.
Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.

Comix Junky

Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.