
Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), December 20, 2007, 07:15:22 PM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

What do you guys think about putting the Kennedy and Fogel NM value for the comix in the Wiki listings?  Do you think this would be allowed?

Sir Real

Ooh, I kinda think that would violate the purpose of the site.  Plus copyright violations 'n stuff.
Timeo Hominem Unius Libri


I would just as soon leave this be as a reference, not a price, guide.

Comix Junky

And i don't want to do the work of keeping it updated. Do you?
Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.

Visitor Q

I agree with all the replies.

"Woe be unto him who opens one of the seven gateways to hell, because through that gateway evil will invade the world."


The problem with any values is their relevance to the marketplace.
Kennedy's would be pointless as they are 20+ years old.  As an historical overview one might allow that to have the value from Kennedy would be a quaint piece of information to add about a perspective from a different place-and-time.
One, then, could look to see what changes occurred in pricing then vs. now.  Or what was hot/cold then certainly changed values along the way. 

The values in Fogel?  Please.  I've been active selling old  comix retail for well over a year, as many of you know.  And for the past 37 years in various other collectibles markets.  From what I have discovered, the relationship between what is given in the Fogel Guide and the actual prices in todays market is almost non-existant.  And, the Guide is both too high and too low, dependent on the item.
In many collectible fields, so-called pricing guides are obsolete the instant they're released, no matter what body of experts were included.  All value guides suffer that, so I don't want to seem picking on the Comix Guide  In bull markets I love to BUY per the 'guide.'   In  bear markets, we all want to sell at guide.    And the marketplace changes faster than value guides.

My .02 would be to not include values.  Too much effort...constant effort as we're reminded above...for too little viable usable result...