interesting Rory Hayes Letter+postcard at Michael Roden homepage

Started by pupirse, May 26, 2008, 03:05:07 PM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

I chuckled at his term "undies".  Makes me kind of think about a mother telling her kid to throw his undies in the trash because they're dirty.


I heard about Clay's letter awhile ago from a friend but hadn't seen it before.  That's my uncle! I loved it all!  He will certainly tell it to you straight if you want it and not paint a BS happy happy joy joy picture just to make you feel fuzzy inside.  I loved his comments all through it so thanks for posting the link!
I'm not sure why someone submitted a personal correspondence letter to someone for publication???  Sounds strange to me. I printed it off and sent it to my mom. She'll laugh for a half hour while reading it.  I certainly won't ever publish any letters from anyone that Clay saved over the years and there are quite a few interesting ones from as far back as 1971. 


Hmm, sounds like an interesting coffee table book to me, MrBill.

Visitor Q

hahahaha 25 bucks!

Those letters are really cool.

"Woe be unto him who opens one of the seven gateways to hell, because through that gateway evil will invade the world."

Rick Bradford

Quote from: mrbillscomix on May 26, 2008, 11:10:12 PM
I'm not sure why someone submitted a personal correspondence letter to someone for publication???  Sounds strange to me.

Hey, Bill. That site is a catalog of the late Michael Roden's artwork (etc.) and the letter was donated by Roden as a point of reference (I guess). I know what you mean about publishing personal correspondence but it sure can make for interesting (and educational) reading sometimes...
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