Editor(s) of the East Village Other in 1969?

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), July 26, 2008, 05:01:14 PM

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50Cent #II (1st print)


According to the book "Our Time - Interviews from The East Village Other", a guy named Allen Katzman was the Founder of EVO, but I can't find any other info as to editors in the book.  Just the names of the interviewers for each specific interview.

50Cent #II (1st print)

I was wondering if the editor was the same person for both Gothic Blimp Works and EVO?  If so, it might have been Bhob Stewart, who actually coined the term "Underground Comics" in 1966 at a panel discussion at a New York comics convention.
"I want to say that just as mainstream movies prompted underground films, I think the same thing is going to happen with comics. You will have underground comics just as you have had underground films. This would be more like James Joyce in comic book form. You can see the beginning of this in some of the cartoon panels that have been appearing in the East Village Other."


I thought it was Harvey Kurtzman, on the cover of one of the later Mad Comics, which was made to look like a newspaper, with a headline that stated: Comics Go Underground! 


Joel Fabricant was the publisher of EVO and Blimpworks.  Don Lewis was the art director.  Officially, Bode was the editor...at least on the first issue.  But I never dealt with Bode.  I just sent stuff to either Kim Deitch or Don Lewis.


Anybody know of Lita Dove from EVO?
I got a letter from Lita Dove over the weekend, asking me to ID a Snatch 2.

50Cent #II (1st print)

I believe this is the person the inspired me to start this thread.