Slow Death #3

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), May 25, 2008, 07:37:11 PM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

Appears there was at least 2 (or 3) printings with .50 cent cover price and the "1st print Pentagram Press" logo of Slow Death #3.

I'm guessing that the lower quality one might have been first?

Of the 16 copies, 10 have the same staple placement and all those have the pinks and oranges vibrant and deep blacks (the 2nd scan), the other 6 have either of 2 staple placements (I have 3 of each of the 2 other staple placements).  Those display similar traits in the blacks that are a bit transparent (like watercolors), especially the females hair and the colors are muted throughout the cover (the 1st scan). Also of note is that it appears that there are smudge marks in the black ink in this lower quality printing (like it's flowing down from the black ink being too watery), see just below the "Slow Death" and the top of the females hair.