The big Underground Collectors.

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), February 27, 2008, 02:41:07 AM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

I got the list from various guides, checklists, etc. that have these collectors credited.


I would say a minimum percent (75) of Kennedy, or a very near complete collection of a major artist like Crumb or many keys Zap 1 - Ozone 1 - Snatch 1 - etc) or maybe a lot of art. I would also say that their comic art collection/comic collection would be worth $100k or more)  the people on the list that I knew all had Zap 1s, Lennys, Godnose, and things like that. They all have 20 - 30 or more cartons of pre-1982 stuff. My Philly friend has over 700 Crumb pages to supplement his ug collection of maybe 1000-2000 ugs. He has many keys like Catalog Comix, multiple Zap 1s, Zippyscope , and etc. Face it, if one needed almost anything in Donahue's catalogs they probably did not have a big collection.


Thanks dr_s ,

That was very humbling.  :icon_redface:

"Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope."—Freewheelin' Franklin


Hey thillaj,
I would love to hear what all you picked up from David Miller on Clay's stuff. 
Clay left to me about 4,000 or so UGs along with nearly all of his golden/silver age books. I have around 200 mini-comix too along with the newsletters.  Tons of interesting stuff.  He was like me, saved everything.  I have some art from the mini books but I think the majority of it David received.
You can email me if you prefer.


I got a near complete run of Comix World from Miller a few years ago outside the Berkeley Bart Station.  There were enough dupes in the stack that I was able to sell them on ebay and make back what I laid out for the pile.  At the time the price seemed a little steep, but it all worked out in the end. 


The Comix World newsletters are nice to read.  I don't have any idea what a complete run goes for. I think I saw someone selling a big chunk of the run in rough shape for over $100 or something like that.  David Miller is a great resource for a lot of Clay's stuff.  I think it would surprise most people if they knew how many copies of certain books that the big collectors set aside.