Air Pirates #1

Started by Limited66, September 16, 2008, 05:39:20 PM

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Hello, 50Cent #II gave me the info for this site over at CGC boards:

"For Ug's you should check the old '82 Kennedy Guide and the new Fogel's guide. We discuss purely Ug's over at for more on them..."

I have a 7.0 - 7.5 copy of Air Pirates #1, but I don't have these guides, Can anyone tell me what the value is in Fogels? has $180 in FVF(7.0) - $240 in VF-(7.5), but I have no idea where they get these numbers and OSPG doesn't have it or I'm not looking in the right place.

Any help would be appreciated.


While I don't remember Fogel's prices, a true 7-7.5 can't be  worth more than $50-$100. I know it has to be this range or less in Fogel since I help Dan with the prices as a senior advisor. If you are not sure, check ebay for past sales. Those are more realistic for a non-dealer.


you might get $75 for it on ebay..... One just sold for that in F/VF....

Visitor Q

Air Pirates is a desirable book but it is not that rare to find. With eBay, its all the way the wind blows. You could get a fair amount or a couple of bucks. Is this something you are looking to sell or are you just wanting this information for means of your own collection?

"Woe be unto him who opens one of the seven gateways to hell, because through that gateway evil will invade the world."