Trusted Dealers

Started by Rick Bradford, September 11, 2008, 10:32:41 PM

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Let me put my 2 cents in. The question is, how big do we want this forum to be. Why would I make 199 scans and probably many 100s more for -100 people. This is a living forum that sholud grow.  I have discusssed this with Jason in the past, and he has passed them on. Some are, flyers. I went to San Diego and paid for the shipping (Jason did the printing and got Jay to do the design)  so I could pass out flyers to people who came to the table. I asked SirReal to include the flyer in his you tube.  I suggest that the site be open on google so people could find us. I did some discssion about the trsted dealers and told Jason it should not be open to everyone who joins, but rather people who have shown that they are active in the form for a while, contributed, and can be trusted. All we need is fly by night scam artists selling ugs. To my way of thinking, if people are looking to buy undergrounds and they can google us, then we will expand. By the way, while I am a trusted dealer, it does not rule my life. I could have set up months ago (I do intend to put $5 and $10 books up this week) but with 80-100 members (most who have the stuff) it is not going to change my life. Only expanding will. Does anyone know who we can link with?

Comix Junky

" seems that both you and Junky have forgotten who is doing who a favor here...."

You don't get it either.
Nobody is doing anybody a favor.
It's all self-intrest. A decent guide serves us all.

" ... It is not even in the public domain, it belongs to Junky..."

Totaly Wrong.
FACTS, ARE public domain. Always.
Once you learn them, they are YOURS. As much as anybody else.
SCANS, are in a gray area. The ART belongs to the artist, who could possably sue a scanner. (but that hasn't happened yet)
A scanner could make an argument that scans are photos of his property.
But a third party, like me, certanly has NO legal claim to them.

Do you see  " © 2008 Comix Junky"  anywhere on this site?
NO, you don't.

So to illustrate this, I'll steal some of the copyrite info from
Quote              Text Usage
Music pirates are fond of saying "Information wants to be free".
What the idiots don't know is that under copyright law,
information itself IS free.
The facts that a comic exists, what it contains, who did it, how it
is diffrent, and other factual details - is public knowledge, in the
"Public Domain", and not copyrightable. 
Facts belong to everone.
However, the words we use to describe those facts belong to us.

                      Art Usage
We got premission to use the art of some artists and publishers,
(see the credits page) that permision does not extend to you.
This Guide is a refrence work. Our use of bits & pieces to
educate the public, is in the spirit of "Fair Use".
The full Cover Scans are not reproductions. They are photos of
actiual phisical objects (comix) owned by Zonker and/or other
contributers (see the credits page). The scans contain titles,
logos, staples, price stickers, defects, wear & tear, and other
artifacts that differentiate them from the original art. And are used
as evidence of the book's distinguishing features.
If you plan to use our scans - DON'T.  Make your own scan or
get premission from the scanner.
Note: claiming these scans represent a book you own - is fraud.

Maybe you ment to say
"The domain NAME belongs to Junky, to be used as Junky sees fit, by who Junky sees fit to use it, in the manner that Junky sees fit."
Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.

Comix Junky

"Yet Junky clearly wants nothing to do with anything besides the wiki"
That's an exaggeration. I keep stressing the Wiki because i think you guys are taking the dealers program or rules too seariously.

"And both you and Junky choose to ignore the problems here."
Please list the spicific problems you think i am ignoring.
(I admit to ignoring Rick's request, to remove scans, as long as i could)

"The dealer program, ... It's wholly unfair unless offered to all ..."
It does not need to be fair. And is a compromise to no dealing at all.
Discussion boards here are free and open and uncensored.
But I own the domain name, rent the server space, and pay for the bandwidth.
A Free-For-All marketplace would be unfair to ME. And would ruin the neighborhood.

"Fourth, under contributors, I guess that you have to add you own name to the list if you add something because no you running this site seems to be doing it."
We are ALL voulenteers here. So, Yes, adding things yourself is the prefered method.
If you need help, you need to ask.
Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.