new crumb comix

Started by pupirse, December 14, 2007, 09:51:00 AM

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Sir Real

Kinda looks like a pirate edition t'me.

Duh!  I guess I should read the whole thing.  First time I've ever seen it.
Timeo Hominem Unius Libri


In a place far far way, unreachable by mortal man (my closet) lies a copy I bought off abe for about $200. It's Dutch. I just like the cover. Anyone know were the cover was originally printed?

Sir Real

I believe that cover (and I can't remember the name exactly) was an early cover from the CoEvolution Quarterly.

I believe.
Timeo Hominem Unius Libri


Sir Real

DUH!!!!  Of course its from Felch.  That would never be on the cover of CEQ.

Me mind must be on the fritz.
Timeo Hominem Unius Libri

50Cent #II (1st print)