Underground Digest #2

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), January 24, 2008, 01:45:05 AM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

Won this #2 for $33.50

Looked, but couldn't find any info. or pics of #1.  Anyone have any info. on #1?


I don't have a copy, but here's some info:

Underground Digest #1 (1967) is a bi-monthly publication, Underground Communications Inc, 211 Village Station, NYC. Has "Notes of a Dirty Old Man" (4 pages) at end. Credited contributors at beginning followed by their role title: Huntington Hampton – "Money"; Christopher Boal – "AM Editor"; Taylor Castell – "PM Editor"; Christopher Watson [who must be Buk] – "Dirty Old Man"; Suzy Creamcheese – "Entertainment"; Ruth Brenner – "Scapegoat"; Shirley Tempel – "Morals"; and Tim Leery [must be LSD guru Timothy Leary] – "Travel".

50Cent #II (1st print)

Thanks, helps some, but looks like the UG collectible issue is #2 with the R. Crumb art.

50Cent #II (1st print)

Really interested now if there is any UG art in issue #1 (1967).  I received my copy of #2 today and have found some very interesting info.
This issue is copyrighted 1967, but is the March 1968 issue.  It could be an error, but I think it more likely is that this was printed in late 1967 as the March 1968 issue (there are a couple dates for speeches inside like 10/23/67 which would make it not possible for March 1967, the R. Crumb Checklist credits this to March 1967 but surprisingly Fiene didn't see this didn't make sense as it would mean it came out before Yarrowstalks).  Inside is a reprint of the Head Comix story by R. Crumb that appeared in Yarrowstalks #2 (July/Summer 1967).  It is credited from Yarrowstalks (yes, this is the story that caused Donahue and Plymell to want to print a R. Crumb comic book that soon after brought about Zap Comix #1).  It is printed in purple ink over 3 pages (1st R. Crumb color story?  Anyone know if these were B&W in Yarrowstalks?).  There is a 2nd story by R. Crumb in another part of the book called Life Among the Constipated, which is reprinted from Yarrowstalks #3 (August 1967), but could this be the first R. Crumb UG story printed in more than just B&W? (my copy has the purple ink very off register). 
Also interesting to me (I'm unsure if all copies were like this on purpose, but my centerfold is not bound in and there are not staple holes to indicate it ever was) and has an ad for, get this, a free pack of filtered joints with a 1 year subscription...

50Cent #II (1st print)

Looks like there is a copy of each (#1 & 2) registered at the San Francisco library if anyone wants to check it out...

There are 4 copies of #2 on abebooks (ranging from $55-92).