Underground Press Digest #1

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), February 20, 2008, 09:08:49 PM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

Here's an interesting one, after receiving my copy of Underground Digest #2 (March 1967) with the 2 R. Crumb pieces, I started looking for a #1 (February 1967), even though I've been told it probably doesn't contain any UG art (would be nice to complete the set of only 2 issues).  So I found a copy of Underground Press Digest #1 that I thought might be it, but it turns out that this periodical is from January 1971.  Turns out that this #1 has R. Crumb art in it also, and is also out of New York, but is a different publication.  Turns out this UgPD might have only had 2 issues too.  From what I understand it appears the Underground Digest #1 (February 1967) doesn't contain R. Crumb art, but issue #2 (March 1967) does.  Then the Underground Press Digest #1 (January 1971) contains R. Crumb art (hasn't arrived yet, so not sure which piece, the 24 panel "Head Comix" is stated, as well as a Joel Beck strip), and that there might have been a #2 (March 1971) from this series that doesn't contain R. Crumb art.
I had thought that I had found a new R. Crumb piece from 1971 that had not been documented before after looking in the R. Crumb Checklist and Crumb-ology Supplement (I don't have the original book yet), but it was located in the CounterMedia issue with the R. Crumb Checklist Supplement.

Here's a pic., I'll update when it arrives (for the Wiki)

This UgPD #1 with a 60 cent cover price contains articles reprinted from almost all the big Counter Culture tabloids.


What, exactly, is on the left side of that photo? It looks frightening.

50Cent #II (1st print)

Received this item today, want to post two pages that contains UG artwork (there is a few others by Adams and Dallas Notes, but since I don't recognize that name...)

Here's a clear scan of the cover:

Joel Beck:

R. Crumb's classic Head Comix page from Yarrowstalks #3: