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HeadComix info/Wiki Topics [moderated] => Other Additions to HeadComix/Wiki => Titles K to O => Topic started by: awillis on December 04, 2007, 05:43:45 PM

Title: Lost Cause Comix # 2 Cover Paper
Post by: awillis on December 04, 2007, 05:43:45 PM
     I just fully realized something this weekend past about all of the back stocks of the original printing of Lost Cause Comix # 2 (There is only one printing- 5,000 copies).

The following background information is necessary in regards to this topic-
     When the Original Lost Cause Productions (myself, Arnold Willis, and my partner, Tim Lowe) published the LCC # 2 comix, we had two printers. A cover printer and a newsprint guts printer. LCC # 2 comix covers were all hand folded the size printed (pretrimmed by the cover printer to fit the guts) and stapled to a newsprint guts that was previously folded, glued, and pretrimmed by the other printer- the glued inner has air gaps and causes stapling irregularities. The comix were hand assembled and stapled by us as orders for the comix came in. (Almost all of the back stocks are currently still unassembled.). Back then I recall the cover printer as saying he was having trouble with the paper stock he used.
     What I have found recently is that the cover printer, unbeknowst to us, printed on two different cover paper stock weights,and provided us with both weights. I just opened all of the remaining bundles of covers as the current open two bundles were of different paper weights with the heavier one having a blemish that is on the cyan plate and located in the white area of the space ship and showed up down in the bundle. I do not know how many covers exist, namely there may be a complete run of 5,000 of the lighter weight covers and only a partial run of heavier covers or a mix of both that added up to 5,000 copies. I have not counted the number of covers. It is only by coincidence that the heavier bundle was opened first. Some recent purchasers may have the lighter weight covers or a heavier cover with or without a blemish (not all the heavier ones have a blemish- it was in the middle of the bundle). The original comix order sent to Rip Off Press was of unblemished heavier stock (prior to the blemish showing up in the bundle) as this bundle in almost all gone. I will have to find the Rip Off Press order to see how many copies were sent to them, (500 or 1,000 copies is my recollection). I will also look for the cover printers receipt to see what we were supposedly purchasing.
I'll provide more information as I figure it all out.