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Archive - Read Only Memory => old stuff [CLOSED] => Topic started by: Sir Real on September 10, 2008, 05:04:37 PM

Title: Who Are You?
Post by: Sir Real on September 10, 2008, 05:04:37 PM
Looking through the members list, it occurs to me that it doesn't say very much about each member.  Therefore, I made up a small list of fill-in-the-blank questions/items so we can know our fellow members a bit better.

I'll go first... :damnmate:

Sir Real

Collecting Since:

Los Angeles area

# of Comix in Your Collection:

Most Prized:
Drawing of Sir Real by Jay Lynch

Favorite Comix(s):
Fat Freddy's Cat
Dopin' Dan

Favorite Artist(s):
Vaughn Bodé
Ed Watson
Tim Boxell
Richard V. Corben
Robert Williams

Finish this sentence: "You know you're a comix collector when..."
Funny.  Can't think of a thing for this one.

Other than UGComix collecting, any other hobbies?
Stage Acting
Trumpet (Concert Band)
Road-Apple Collecting Service

In your comix collecting/habit, what do you feel most guilty about?
I feel guilty about not immediately answering e-mails from the general public.
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Comix Junky on September 10, 2008, 08:54:56 PM
Comix Junky

Collecting Since:
mid 70's

Rochester NY

# of Comix in Your Collection:
about 500 (but i've scanned and read all of Zonker's)

Most Prized:
Radical America Komiks

Favorite Comix(s):
American Flyer
Anomaly 4
Armadillo 2
Balloon Vendor
Book of Raziel
Brain Fantasy
California Comics
Dr. Atomic
Fat Freddy's Cat
Facts o' Life
Feds 'n' Heads
Fever Dreams
Freak Bro.
Grim Wit
Harold Hedd
Hydrogen Bomb and Biochemical  Warfare Funnies
It's A Dog's Life
Jesus (but i hate FS's other works)
Kingdom of Heaven is Within You
Little Green Dinosaur
Mom's Homemade
Mother's Oats
Radical America Komiks
Realm 6
Slow Death
Swamp Fever
Tales of the Leather Nun
Tales from the Tube
Tales of the Armorkins
Tasty 2
Tesserae 7
Tits & Clits
Tits & Clits Comix
Up From The Deep
Wet Satin
Yellow Dog

Favorite Artist(s):
Sheridan & Schrier (Overland vedgible Stagecoach)
Rick Griffin
Rand Holmes
Larry Todd
John Thompson
Wally Wood
... (somewhere way down in the middle of the list)...

Finish this sentence: "You know you're a comix collector when..."
... it doesn't bother you that a long running "series" is only 6 issues and reprinted for 30 years.

Other than UGComix collecting, any other hobbies?
Sci-Fi cons,

In your comix collecting/habit, what do you feel most guilty about?
You think I'm gonna tell ya?
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: wpbooks on September 10, 2008, 09:36:26 PM

Comics - 1967
Comix - 1973


# Of Comix in my collection
about 250 +/-

Most Prized
Plymell Zap 1

Favorite Comix
Bijou #8

Favorite Artists

Finish Sentence:
....when you really give a shit about the last number in a number line and if pages are in the correct order, and if the thickness of the cover is x, and if the color of the distal tear is y and if Plymell's name is on the back, and if the price on the cover is 35 cents and on and on and on when in reality and for all intents and purposes the contents are all identical....as opposed to our brethren in the 'comics' world who wouldn't stoop to becoming detectives if their lives depended upon it....because that is what we are...not comix collectors but comix dicks in the clean sense of the term..eh...Eh....EH!

Other Hobbies
Obsessive Film Viewing
Old Trading Cards
1st edition books
The Old In-Out

Guilty About
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: mrbillscomix on September 11, 2008, 12:00:19 AM

Collecting Since:
1975 but probably received my first UG around 1977.

Southeastern Nebraska (I could name the town but everyone
would say where the hell is that)

# of Comix in Your Collection:
~no clue... under 5,000 (includes both my uncle's books and my stuff)

Most Prized:
JK guide that my uncle signed to me. He also had quite a few folks sign it too.
It's the only copy I work from.  I have a few that are worth some bucks but that book means more to me.

Favorite Comix(s):
Freak Brothers
Fat Freddy's Cat

Favorite Artist(s):
Robert Crumb
Rory Hayes
Robert Williams
To name a few....

Finish this sentence: "You know you're a comix collector when..."
you tell someone that you collect snatch and you don't understand why the first thing that comes to their mind isn't a comic.

Other than UGComix collecting, any other hobbies?
Tending to my koi pond
Craps tables... anywhere.

In your comix collecting/habit, what do you feel most guilty about?
Not being more organized with my UG books.  A spreadsheet is the only thing
that shows me what I have but I don't have a clue where it is.
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: zonker on September 11, 2008, 01:19:20 PM
Zonker Harris

Collecting Since:
Undergrounds - 1971
Marvels  -  1975  (that's right, i discovered Marvels AFTER undergrounds)

Rochester NY

# of Comix in Your Collection:
rughly 1800

Most Prized:
All obtained pre-ebay:
Some in bad shape. None slabbed:
Air Pirates
Air Pirates tabloid
Black Man
Bode Broads
Book of Raziel
Feds 'n' Heads  (2nd print)
Gothic Blimp  Works 8
Hydrogen  Bomb and....
Illustrated Checklist
Kid's Lib  Coloring Book
Kingdom of Heaven is  Within You
Man From Utopia
Moonchild 1&2 (1968-69)
Orange Bodé
Realm 6
Rowlf  (my first underground)
Slow Death 1 (1st print)
Sphinx 2&3
Tales from  the Tube
Tales of the Armorkins (1st & 2nd prints)
Tasty 2
Toxic Flange
Uncle Sam  Takes LSD
Weirdom 15
Wonder  Warthog  mag 1&2
Yellow Dog tabloids (reprints)
Zero 1
Not so rare, and few mint.
Just hard for me to find.
It's almost like, the worse shape they're in, the more proud i am.

Most Prized Printings found:
Tales of the  Armorkins -  1st & 2nd printings

Favorite Comix(s):
A long boring list.
I don't see any point in listing my favorites cus i don't care what anybody else's favorites are.

Favorite Artist(s): (ditto, but they deserve recognition)
No particular order
Sheridan, Schrier, Shelton, Griffin, Holmes, Todd, Thompson, Wood,
Eisner, Corben, Trina, Lynch, Bode, Cobb, Colwell, Kitchen,
Crumb is overhyped and is not on my list.

I was NOT going to fill-in this questionare,
But i couldn't resist finishing  the sentence:
"You know you're a comix collector when..."
... you think the "Comix Code Seal" is a round red sticker with a price on it.

Other than UGComix collecting, any other hobbies?
Actually, I stopped collecting (anything) in the late 80's
My main hobby now is website building.
Also: movies, sci-fi, porn

In your comix collecting/habit, what do you feel most guilty about?
Being considered an "Authority".
All the scans people sent me that i lost or didn't use.
Letting UGcomix.info atrophy.
Playing the role of "Impartial Authority" and not expressing my true opinions. (this may change)

I feel slightly guilty about the set of CDs sent to me by another member of this forum.  :-)
(but not guilty enough to say no. Insted i say: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Send more.)
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: zonker on September 11, 2008, 01:39:50 PM
Hay SR,
Fill out THIS questionare:

Collecting Road Apples Since:

# of Road Apples in Your Collection:

Most Prized:

Favorite Producer of Road Apples:

Favorite Road Apple recipe:

Finish this sentence: "You know you're a Road Apple collector when..."

In your Road Apple collecting/habit, what do you feel most guilty about?

Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: dr_s on September 11, 2008, 01:42:33 PM
nick name  doc
location nyc
collecting since 1950  (ugs since help and the realist came out)
# of comics (almost all usgs) about 7-8k
Most prized collection - cover to vamperilla 3
favorite comic   Fever dream - up from the deep - you know early corben
favorite artist - corben - shelton - barks - wood -eisner - raymond -foster

you know your a comic collector when your wife says when are you going to get this shit out of the living room

Other hobbies - collecting turtles

I don't feel guilt - I'm a Republican

Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: zazz on September 15, 2008, 08:19:04 PM

Collecting Since:
mainstream comics since 1980
UG's since mid 90's

Scottsdale/Phoenix - this could be changing in the next year probably to Denver

# of Comix in Your Collection
5000 or more.... purging my modern mainstream and soon dupes.... that's too many comics to have to move!

Most Prized:
Captain America Comics # 63 and 66 both VF
Cover art to Nextmen 10 (byrne)
Doomsday Comics
Tales from the Ozone 1
Freak Brothers Statues (resin)

Favorite Comix(s):
Freak Brothers - basically anything Shelton.... 
Most Crumb comix
Doomsday Comics
Tales From the Ozone
Cap'n Retro (and all the of the Bryson goodness)
My Gerbers
There are others, too many... fingers will cramp if I list all....

Favorite Artist(s):
Douglas Bryson
Richard Corben
John Byrne
Tim Vigil
George Perez

Finish this sentence: "You know you're a comix collector when..."
you get a thrill out of getting the mail. ( although I can relate to the wife comment)

Other than UGComix collecting, any other hobbies?
My kids (they are 5 and almost 7)
playing basketball
some computer games (rpg's mostly)

In your comix collecting/habit, what do you feel most guilty about?

"I don;t feel guilt - I'm a Republican"

Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Reverend on September 15, 2008, 09:54:07 PM
Ooh, which RPGs do you play?
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Visitor Q on September 16, 2008, 08:43:31 AM
Tim Vigil fan, cool.

Just met him last year.

Cool thread, I will post up my info. here sometime soon.

Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: zazz on September 16, 2008, 11:07:27 PM
I was obsessively playing Oblivion for about a year.... I've been wanting to try Fables, but Fables 2 is coming out (unless it's out already).... lately I've been playing Hellgate:London which isn't really a RPG. It's more like Diablo with a Doom perspective... oh and guns.... mindless killing... any suggestions? I have a 19 yr old daughter that was consumed by WoW, but I can't see paying to play a game that I bought -  no I never play Everquest either..... Mostly because I can't spend more than about a couple of hours a week playing - kids.....
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: zazz on September 16, 2008, 11:09:09 PM
And Vigil.... love his art! Faust is awesome if you can get by the all of the graphic violence.... And I actually liked the movie -HA!
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Visitor Q on September 17, 2008, 08:23:00 AM
Quote from: zazz on September 16, 2008, 11:09:09 PM
And Vigil.... love his art! Faust is awesome if you can get by the all of the graphic violence.... And I actually liked the movie -HA!

Agree, Faust is aweome but the new stuff sucks. When it went to color, yuck!

hahaha The Faust movie was pretty crappy but I can see its charm. Got to love Jeff Combs!


ps. I am a video game player too.
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Reverend on September 17, 2008, 09:57:43 AM
The Faust movie was terribly corny, but it had its moments.
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Visitor Q on September 17, 2008, 10:17:15 AM
Quote from: Reverend on September 17, 2008, 09:57:43 AM
The Faust movie was terribly corny, but it had its moments.

Oh I agree but I have seen much worst.
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Visitor Q on September 17, 2008, 10:44:24 AM
Well here I go...

Jason AKA Visitor Q

Collecting Since:
1980s (It all started with MAD Magazine for me.)


# of Comix in Your Collection:
True Undergrounds 1000+ (just comix), Underground Related and Comics in general, a couple thousand.

Most Prized:
S. Clay Wilson Portfolio (Comes with paper that has an original drawing by S. Clay Wilson, autographed "THIS PORTFOLIO IS FROM THE PERSONAL RIVER CITY ARCHIVES OF S. CLAY WILSON.")
Original Art (In general of what I own.)

Favorite Comix(s):
Ugly Head, The/ Yama Yama
Skull Series
Slow Death Series

Favorite Artist(s):
S. Clay Wilson
Robt. Williams
Peter Bagge (Favorite Writer as well)
Antonio Prohias

Finish this sentence: "You know you're a comix collector when..."
...you buy it just for the sake of saying you have it.

Other than UGComix collecting, any other hobbies?
Horror Movie Fan (Italian Horror/ 70s and 80s B/ Horror Movies)
Video Games/ Computers

In your comix collecting/habit, what do you feel most guilty about?
Being a completist and a perfectionist.
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: awillis on September 17, 2008, 11:40:43 AM
awillis/ Lostcause

Collecting Since:
UG's- 1975
AG's- 1968


# of Comix in Your Collection:
True Undergrounds 15,000+ (Mostly Lost Cause Comix & Tales of Lost Times- poor distribution system)

Most Prized:
The one and only single copy of Tales Of Lost Times # 1 that has a different cover- no "Lost Times" in the sunrise on the cover.

Original Art:
Still have all of the originals of my own works.
Animation test cells from our Flip, Dip, and Drip animated film.

Favorite Comix(s):
Air Pirates # 1 (They fought the law and the law one)
The Anus Clenching Adventure with Harold Hedd # 2 (Best ink)
Fever Dreams (Best story)

Favorite Artist(s):
Crumb's works- (inking style)
Shelton's works- (drug stories)
Rand Holms- (inking style)
Tim Lowe- (drew me to the underground)

Finish this sentence: "You know you're a comix collector when..."
...you realize that "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" included comix!

Other than UGComix collecting, any other hobbies?
Drawing/ cartooning/ writing
Full Cell Animation

In your comix collecting/habit, what do you feel most guilty about?
Not buying the works of others when they were cheap.

Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Comix Junky on September 17, 2008, 07:34:34 PM
Quote from: zazz on September 16, 2008, 11:07:27 PM
any suggestions? I have a 19 yr old daughter that was consumed by WoW, but I can't see paying to play a game that I bought
I recomend "Thief" A first-person-stelth game. (weapons: bow-n-arrow or black-jack)
After you finish the boxed games (Theif I, II, III. about a dozzen missions each) there are about a thousand fan made missions you can download for free. About 3 hours adverage playing time.
Title: Re: Who Are You?
Post by: Reverend on September 17, 2008, 08:17:00 PM
Thief was a great game. If I'm not mistaken, the same folks helped develop Ultima Underworld I and II, so if you like RPGs, you might want to check those out, too, if you don't mind older graphics.