Potential comic book investments (not just UG's)...

Started by 50Cent #II (1st print), December 12, 2007, 03:16:01 PM

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50Cent #II (1st print)

Trying a getting hot thread here.  Let us know some potential good investments you've discovered or noticed that are getting hot or will be...

Here's one suggestions, even though the Hulk movie was a disaster, there sequel is starring some very big names and will feature the Abomination. His first appearances were in Tales to Astonish #90 and 91.  So I'm thinking that HIGH grade copies of this might start moving when the movie is about to come out.

If the new Will Smith movie I Am Legend that opens this Friday is a big hit, then the limited series I Am Legend that came out in the early 90's by Eclipse might be a good seller since it probably wasn't printed in large numbers.

Visitor Q

I don't really base my collecting on value except for very few books. The fact that comic books can become valuable is like ice on the cake to me. =]

"Woe be unto him who opens one of the seven gateways to hell, because through that gateway evil will invade the world."

50Cent #II (1st print)

With the upcoming release of the movie Watchmen, which happens to be accepted by many as one of the best comic book stories ever (any others appear on these special best books ever lists?), many don't know that the first appearance of them was in a free comic book by DC in 1985 on the last page of DC Spotlight #1.  I've sold a couple on eBay at up to $70.

Brother J

Quote from: 50Cent #II (1st print) on December 12, 2007, 03:27:32 PM
With the upcoming release of the movie Watchmen, which happens to be accepted by many as one of the best comic book stories ever (any others appear on these special best books ever lists?), many don't know that the first appearance of them was in a free comic book by DC in 1985 on the last page of DC Spotlight #1.  I've sold a couple on eBay at up to $70.

I just sold my mid grade set of Watchmen #1-12 for over $100, so I was thrilled!

50Cent #II (1st print)

The limited series Indiana Jones by Dark Horse might be a good thing to keep an eye on with the upcoming IJ movie coming out and the nice covers on those books.

Comix Junky

Anybody got any news on

:Freak Bros - All together:
"Grass Roots"
Collecting is a disease = Obsessive-Possessive Disorder.
Slabbing Undergrounds is sacrilege.
The phrase "Action 1 of the Undergrounds"
makes my skin crawl.


 I have heard rumors of a Hoollywood remake of Lone wolf & Cub ?  The 1st comics Series #'s 1-45  Might be going up? it was never completed. Dark horse ran the complete lone wolf in th Manga Format. Seems like they might finish or reprint the comic version if the movie comes out. Either way if there is a Main stream Movie it should drive the prices up. Anyone heard this Rumor?


Two undervalued books that often fly under the radar of most collectors are Visions #1 (1st Flaming Carrot) and Metal Hurlant #1 (the French precursor to Heavy Metal Magazine). Mr A #1 (50c) is another book I always snap up in grade when I can and I always pickup a copy of Love and Rockets #1 from Don when making an order.