====== The Amazing Adventure of Ace International 1 ====== ==== Starhead Comix ==== //Stories by Dennis P Eichorn. Artists: D Allen, J Blanchard, RL Crabb, L Dangle, M Dougan, P Kuper, P Moriarity, Stromberg, J Woodring, and Zingarelli.// ^ __1st printing__ | ^ Publishing Date:|November 1993| ^ Cover Price:|$2.95| ^ # of Pages:|36| ^ Printrun:|:?:| ^ Size:|6 5/8 x 10 1/8"| ^ Tells:|n/a| ^ Scan By:|bookchuck|{{covers:a:aceinternational1.jpg|}} \\ __See also:__\\ \\ \\ **[[a_titles|Back to the "A's"]]**