====== Surprise #01 ====== ==== Editions du Square ==== \\ \\ **1st - 1976**\\ => [[{{thumbs:s:surprise-01.jpg|{{thumbs:s:surprise-01.jpg}}]] //click for detailed view//\\ => 3.50 F cover price\\ => 36 pages\\ => :?: copies\\ => 24 x 17 cm size\\ => pupirse scan\\ \\ \\ Reprinted Kim Deitch Story: Born Again [[insect_fear_3|Insect Fear #03]]\\ Printed Phil Story: Commando\\ Printed Poussin Story: Lemonstre Enfin Arrete\\ Reprinted Justin Green Story: While You're Up... Get Me Some Smack [[tuff_shit|Tuff Shit Comics]]\\ Printed Rananar Story: Ce qui se cache derriere les cigarettes et les chocolats de lusce\\ Printed Olivia Clavel Story: Etrange Planete Etranges Moeurs\\ Printed :?: Story: Loulou\\ Printed :?: Story: Without Name\\ Reprinted Kim Deitch Story: Auto Suggestion [[insect_fear_2|Insect Fear #02]]\\ Reprinted J.Wellington Wimpy in "Back to his First Love" 8-Pager\\ \\ \\ __See also:__\\ [[surprise_3|Surprise #03]]\\ [[surprise_5|Surprise #05]]\\ \\ [[eu_s_titles|Back to European S Title]]\\