Bakersfield Kountry Komics

Last Gasp, Inc.

3 printings, all the same?

1st - Sep 1973
1st edition cover click for detailed view
⇒ $.50 cover price
⇒ 36 pages
⇒ 20,000 copies
⇒ 7“ x 10” size
Indistinguishable from 2nd or 3rd printings.

:?:2nd - 197:?:
image not available
⇒ $.50 cover price
⇒ 36 pages ⇒ 10,000 copies
⇒ 7“ x 10” size
Indistinguishable from 1st or 3rd printings.

:?:3rd - 197:?:
image not available
⇒ $.50 cover price
⇒ 36 pages ⇒ 10,000 copies
⇒ 7“ x 10” size
Indistinguishable from 1st or 2nd printings.

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