Black And White Comics

Apex Novelities / Robert Crumb

.50 printing with no © info, may or may not exist.
Black and White Reprint Tells at - last update 11/28/03

1st - 1973
blackwhite1st.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ $.50 cover price
⇒ 28 pages
⇒ 20,000-30,000 copies
⇒ 7“ x 9 3/4” size
⇒ Says “Black and White Comics June 1973 is published by Apex Novelties, Inc., P.O.Box 40430, San Francisco, Calif 94140” on the first line, and “©1973 by R. Crumb” on the second line, at the bottom of page 2.

2nd - 197:?:
black_and_white_comics.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ $75 cover price
⇒ 28 pages
:?: copies
⇒ 7“ x 9 3/4” size
⇒ The words “June 1973 is” have been removed from the first line, and “©1973 by R. Crumb” on the second line, at the bottom of page 2.
⇒ Pupirse Scan

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