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The Book of Mr. Natural


1st - Sept. 1995
scan needed
:?: cover price
⇒ 130 pages
:?: copies

2nd - Feb. 2005
click for detailed view
⇒ $12.95 cover price
:?: copies
:?: scan

Includes stories:
* Mr. Natural in Death Valley (5 pages) - Zap 0, 1968
* Mr. Natural “Visits the City” (6 pages) - Zap 1, 1968
* Mr. Natural “Hm!!” (5 pages) - Zap 2, 1968
* Mr. Natural “Yawn….” (5 pages) - Zap 5, 1970
* It's a Workaday World (2 pages) - Uneeda Comix, 1973
* Mr. Natural Goes to a Meeting of the Minds (5 pages) - Uneeda Comix, 1973
* Sunny Side Up with Mr. Natural (1 pages) - Mr. Natural, 1970
* Mr. Natural's 719th Meditation (3 pages) - Mr. Natural, 1970
* Mr. Natural and Shuman the Human in “Om Sweet Om” (5 pages) - Mr. Natural, 1970
* TEXT: The Origins of Mr. Natural (3 pages) - Mr. Natural, 1970
* Mr. Natural Stops Talking (3 pages) - Your Hytone Comix, 1971
* Mr. Natural “Does the Dishes” (1 page) - Mr. Natural 2, 1971
* Mr. Natural and Flakey Foont in a Gurl in Hotpants (3 pages) - Mr. Natural 2, 1971
* Mr. Natural and Flakey Foont in Sittin' around the Kitchen Table (2 pages) - Mr. Natural 2, 1971
* Mr. Natural in “The Girlfriend” (4 pages) - Mr. Natural 2, 1971
* Mr. Natural: “I'm the Greatest” (7 pages) - Mr. Natural 2, 1971
* Mr. Natural by R. “Rubber Boot” Crumb (2 pages) - Zap 6, 1973
* Mr. Natural Gets on his High Horse (1 page) - Zap 6, 1973
* Mr. Natural Meets “The Kid” (6 pages) - Zap 7, 1974
* Uh Oh! He's Back! Who's Back? You'll Find Out! (5 pages) - Hup 1, 1986
* Here He Comes Again! (7 pages) - Hup 1, 1986
* The Meeting (13 pages) - Hup 2, 1987
* Mr. Natural: “He's a Natural Man!” (10 pages) - Hup 3, 1989
* Mr. Natural “On the Banks of the Silvery Stream” (1 page) - Hup 4, 1992
* Mr. Natural: “Hup!” (1 page) - Hup 4, 1992
* Mr. Natural…. Distractions Distractions!! (3 pages) - Hup 4, 1992
* Mr. Natural & Flakey Foont in a Bitchin' Bod'! (14 pages) - Hup 4, 1992
* Mr. Natural in What This Country Need Is“ (1 page) - Zap 6, 1973. Only one story in color.

See also:

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