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Yellow Dog #08

1st - 1969
⇒ need scan
⇒ $.25 cover price
⇒ 8 pages
⇒ (5.000) copies
⇒ 11-3/8”x16” size
⇒ doesn´t say witch printing
:?: scan

2nd - 1973
yellow-dog-_08.jpg yellowdog-umschlag.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ $.25 cover price
⇒ 8 pages
⇒ (5.000) copies
⇒ 11-3/8”x16” size
⇒ say '5th Anniversary printing - 5/73' on comix ad or subscription-+ coupon
⇒ packed in envelope stamped 'Special 5th anniversary limited edition' in red or black
⇒ pupirse scan

See also:
Yellow Dog #01
Yellow Dog #02
Yellow Dog #03
Yellow Dog #04
Yellow Dog #05
Yellow Dog #06
Yellow Dog #07
Yellow Dog #09-#10
Yellow Dog #11-#12
Yellow Dog #13-#14
Yellow Dog #15
Yellow Dog #16
Yellow Dog #17
Yellow Dog #18
Yellow Dog #19
Yellow Dog #20
Yellow Dog #21
Yellow Dog #22
Yellow Dog #23
Yellow Dog #24
Yellow Dog #25

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yellow_dog_8.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/18 18:23 by

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