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U-Comix #17


1st - Winter 1979
u-comix-upn-17.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ 4.00 DM cover price
⇒ 52 pages
:?: copies
⇒ 29,57 x 20,8 cm size
⇒ pupirse scan

Reprint Rand Holmes Cover Tales From The Berkeley-Con
Reprint Rand Holmes Story: And Here He Is… The Artist Himself Fog City Comics #03
Printed Mali & Werner Story: The Schall & Rauch!
Printed Marcus Scherzer Story: Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund
Printed or Reprint Evert Geradts Story: Eveline
Printed Paul Seelig Story: Jugendgefährdung durch U-Comix
Printed Mali & Werner Story: Neue Heimat-Comix
Printed Bernd Pfarr & Winni Seggel Story: Alles geschah an einem sonnigen Nachmittag
Printed Marcus Scherzer Story: Teller
Reprinted Gerhard Seyfried Story: Stoned
Printed Mali & Werner Story: Bonzo und Alphonzo in ein trüber Tag
Printed 3. Part of Ingo Stein Story: 1914-18 Trip
Printed Marcus Scherzer Story: Tschurlofax und der Missionar

See also:
U.Comix #01
U-Comix #02
U-Comix #03
U-Comix #04
U-Comix #05
U-Comix #06
U-Comix #07
U-Comix #08
U-Comix #09
U-Comix #10
U-Comix #11
U-Comix #12
U-Comix #13
U-Comix #14
U-Comix #15
U-Comix #16

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u-comix_17.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/18 18:21 by

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