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U-Comix #08


The copyrigt Info says, that the Georg Metzger Story is exclusive drawn for this issue of U-Comix.

1st - Winter 1973
u-comix-upn-08.jpg click for detailed view
⇒ 2.00 DM cover price
⇒ 28 pages
:?: copies
⇒ 29,7 x 21,1 cm size
⇒ pupirse scan

Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Fat Freddy's Cat and the Texas Cockroach Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Sure Is Hot Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Fat Freddy On Jury Duty Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Good Mexican Food Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Fat Freddy Comes Clean Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Street Musicians Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: The Value Of A Dollar Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Down With Things Obscene Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: How To Cope With The Gasoline Famine Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Phineas Gets A Job Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Phineas Gets Another Job Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Night Of The Living Pig Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Rand Holmes Story: Scab Cops Harold Hedd #01
Reprint Rand Holmes Story: Sherlock Holmes Harold Hedd #01
Reprint André Franquin Gaston Page
Printed Manfred Tomczak Story: Fuck Martin auf Frauenjagt
Printed J. Tomaschoff Story: Klaus Geflippt und die Liebe
Printed Johannes Brockerhoff (Joe Brockerhoff) Story: Ki-Comic
Reprint Gilbert Shelton Story: Government Spies Freak Brothers #03
Reprint Gilbert Shelton BC: Feeling Paranoid Lately? Feelgood Funnies

See also:
U.Comix #01
U-Comix #02
U-Comix #03
U-Comix #04
U-Comix #05
U-Comix #06
U-Comix #07
U-Comix #09
U-Comix #10
U-Comix #11
U-Comix #12
U-Comix #13
U-Comix #14
U-Comix #15
U-Comix #16
U-Comix #17

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u-comix_8.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/18 18:21 by

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