- Cadaver #0
- Cadaver #1
- Cadaver Vol. 2 #1
- [JK.0368] Cadaver Capers (Comix World 1980) (0.50)
- [JK.0369] Calcalus Cat Everyman Comics Mini-Series #10 (Everyman Studios 1979) $0.25
- [JK.0370] California Comics (#1) (California Comics 1972) no price
- [JK.0371] California Comics #2 (California Comics 1975) 1.00
- [JK.0372] California Comics #3 (Corben centerfold in color – California Comics 1977) 2.00
- [JK.0373] Calm and Sense (Animal Mitchel Publications 1976)
- [JK.0374] Canarsie Creeps (San Francisco Comic Book Co. 1974) 0.07
- [JK.0375] Can O'Beans #1 (Rainbow Press 1972) .15
- [JK.0376] Can O'Beans #2 (Rainbow Press 1972) .50
- [JK.0377] Can O'Beans #3 (Rainbow Press 1972) .50
- [JKg.018] Canon #1 (Wallace Wood, 1979?) $4.00
- [JKg.019] Canon #2 (Wallace Wood, 1979) $4.00
- [JKg.020] Canon #3 (Wallace Wood, 1979) $4.00
- [JKg.021] Canon #4 (Wallace Wood, 1979?) $4.00
- Canon #1 (Eros, 1991) $2.75
- Canon #2 (Eros, 1991) $2.75?
- Canon #3 (Eros, 1991) $2.75?
- Canon #4 (Eros, 1991) $2.75?
- Canon #5 (Eros, 1991) $2.75?
- Canon #6 (Eros, 1991) $2.75?
- Canon #7 (Eros, 1991) $2.75?
- Canon #8 (Eros, 1991) $2.75?
- Can You Dig It All? (Starhead Comix 1990) 1.50
- [JK.0378] Cap'n Crudd's Tales of Ol`Montery Bay & Other Worlds (Oblivia Pictures) .25
- [JK.0379] Cap'n Retro #1 (Texas Comic Books 1977) .65
- [JK.0380] Cap'n Retro #2 (Douglas Bryson 1978) .25
- [JK.0381] Cap'n Retro #3 (Texas Comic Books 1978) .50
- [JK.0382] Cap'n Retro - The One Without a Title (Texas Comic Books 1978) .35
- [JK.0383] Cap'n Retro - Your Smile Releases All My Life (Douglas Bryson 1980) .50?
- [JK.0384] Captain; The (Vogrin – Print Mint 1972) .50
- [JK.0385] Captain Chicago; The Adventures of (Rich Markow & Larry Rand 1975) free
- [JK.0386] Captain Guts (#1) (Welz – Print Mint 1969)
- [JK.0387] Captain Guts #2 (Welz – Print Mint 1970) .50
- [JK.0388] Captain Guts #3 (Welz – Print Mint 1971) .50
- [JK.0389] Captain Joint Comics / Stanley #1 (David Brown 1974) .25
- [JK.0390] Captain Nimrod Everyman Comics Mini-Series #08 (Everyman Studios 1979) $0.25
- Captain Paragon (Paragon Publications 1972) 1.00
- [JK.0391] Captain Sticky (Captain Sticky 1974-75)
- [JK.0392] Captive Chains (SST Publications 1978) 1.50
- [JK.0393] Capt'n Marsupial #3 - The Adventures of (Chris Butyrin 1972) .50
- [JK.0394] Cardboard Comix #1 (Pockey-Press Publications) .50
- [JK.0395] Cardboard Comix #2 - Gina of the Jungle (Pockey-Press Publications 1981) .50
- [JK.0396] Carload O comics, R Crumb's (Belier Press 1976) (1.00)
- [JK.0397] Carload O comics Book, R Crumb's (Belier Press 1976) 6.00
- [JK.0398] Carpet Crawler Comics (Curt Metz / Tiny Tots Publications 1978)
- [JK.0399] Cartoon History of the Universe #1; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1978) 1.00
- [JK.0400] Cartoon History of the Universe #2; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1979) 1.00
- [JK.0401] Cartoon History of the Universe #3; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1979) 1.00
- [JK.0402] Cartoon History of the Universe #4; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1979) 1.25
- [JK.0403] Cartoon History of the Universe #5; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1980) 1.25
- [JK.0404] Cartoon History of the Universe #6; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1981) 1.50
- Cartoon History of the Universe #7; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1987) 2.50
- Cartoon History of the Universe #8; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1991) 2.95
- Cartoon History of the Universe #9; The (Larry Gonick – Rip Off Press 1992) 2.95
- [JK.0405] Cartoon History of the Universe book one (Rip Off Press 1980) 6.95
- Cartoon History of the Universe Book #1; The (Quill) TPB
- Cartoon History of the Universe Book #2; The (Doubleday) TPB
- Cartoon History of the Universe Book #3; The (W.W. Norton & Co.) TPB
- [JK.0406] Cascade Comix Monthly #1 (Everyman studios 1978) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0407] Cascade Comix Monthly #2 (Everyman studios 1978) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0408] Cascade Comix Monthly #3 (Everyman studios 1978) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0409] Cascade Comix Monthly #4 (Everyman studios 1978) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0410] Cascade Comix Monthly #5 (Everyman studios 1978) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0411] Cascade Comix Monthly #6 (Everyman studios 1978) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0412] Cascade Comix Monthly #7 (Everyman studios 1978) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0413] Cascade Comix Monthly #8 (Everyman studios 1978) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0414] Cascade Comix Monthly #9-10 (Everyman studios 1978) 1.00 fanzine
- [JK.0415] Cascade Comix Monthly #11-12 (Everyman studios 1979) 1.00 fanzine
- [JK.0416] Cascade Comix Monthly #13 (Everyman studios 1979) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0417] Cascade Comix Monthly #14 (Everyman studios 1979) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0418] Cascade Comix Monthly #15 (Everyman studios 1979) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0419] Cascade Comix Monthly #16 (Everyman studios 1979) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0420] Cascade Comix Monthly #17 (Everyman studios 1979) .50 fanzine
- [JK.0421] Cascade Comix Monthly #18 (Everyman studios 1980) 1.00 fanzine
- [JK.0422] Cascade Comix Monthly #19 (Everyman studios 1980) 1.00 fanzine
- [JK.0423] Cascade Comix Monthly #20 (Everyman studios 1980) 1.00 fanzine
- [JK.0424] Cascade Comix Monthly #21 (Everyman studios 1980) 1.00 fanzine
- [JK.0425] Cascade Comix Monthly #22 (Everyman studios 1980) 1.00 fanzine
- [JK.0426] Cascade Comix Monthly #23 (Everyman studios 1981) 1.00 fanzine
- Case Of Food Price Blackmail; The (United Front Press 1973)
- [JK.0427] Catalog Comix 1 (Artist at Large early 1970´s) Catalog in Comix Format
- [JK.0428] Catalog Comix 2 (Artist at Large 1973) Catalog in Comix Format
- [JK.0429] Cazco (Fragments West / Phil Yeh 1976) 1.50
- [JK.0430] C Comics #1 (Lorenz Gude 1964) 1.00?
- [JK.0431] C Comics #2 (Joe Brainard / Broke Press 1964-65) 1.00
- Central Body, the Art of Guy Colwell (Rip Off Press 1990) 16.95
- [JK.0432] Cerberus #1 (Eric Vincent 1975) .50
- [JK.0433] Cerberus Magazine #2 Presents Leftovers (Eric Vincent 1979)
- [JK.0434] Cervine Follies 1 (Teenage Lobotomy Productions 1981) 0.25
- [JK.0435] Cervine Follies 2 (Teenage Lobotomy Productions 1981) 0.50?
- [JK.0436] Changes (San Francisco Comic Book Company 1972) 0.07
- Changes #3 (Harbinger Univ. Press, div of Frontiers of Science. Printed by Cumberland Press 1969) .75
- [JK.0437] Charmaugagogmanchaugagogcharbunagungamaug Comix and Stories (Nice Day Comix 1981) 2.95
- [JK.0438] Chaser (Howski Grafix Studios 1977) (0.35)
- [JK.0439] Cheap Thrills Comix (Steve Martin - mid 70’s) .75
- [JK.0440] Cheech Wizard (Vaughn Bode – Office of student Publications Syracuse University 1967)
- Cheech Wizard #1; The Complete (Vaughn Bode – Rip Off Press 1986) 2.25
- Cheech Wizard #2; The Complete (Vaughn Bode – Rip Off Press 1987) 2.25
- Cheech Wizard #3; The Complete (Vaughn Bode – Rip Off Press 1987) 2.50
- Cheech Wizard #4; The Complete (Vaughn Bode – Rip Off Press 1987) 2.50
- Cheech Wizard see also Collected Cheech Wizard and Schizophrenia
- [JK.0441] Checkered Demon (#1) (S. Clay Wilson – Last Gasp 1975) 1.00
- [JK.0442] Checkered Demon #2 (S. Clay Wilson – Last Gasp 1978) 1.00
- [JK.0443] Checkered Demon #3 (S. Clay Wilson – Last Gasp 1979) 1.25
- [JK.0444] Chicago Mirror 1 (Jay Lynch / Mirror Publishing Empire 1967) 0.25
- [JK.0445] Chicago Mirror 2 (Jay Lynch / Mirror Publishing Empire 1968) 0.25
- [JK.0446] Chicago Mirror 3 (Jay Lynch / Mirror Publishing Empire 1968) 0.35
- Cherry Poptart #1 (Last Gasp 1982) 2.00
- Cherry Poptart #2 (Last Gasp 1985) 2.00
- Cherry #3 (Last Gasp 1986) 2.50
- Cherry #4 (Last Gasp 1987) 2.50
- Cherry #5 (Last Gasp 1987) 2.50
- Cherry #6 (Last Gasp 1988) 2.50
- Cherry #7 (Last Gasp 1988) 2.50
- Cherry #8 (Last Gasp 1989) 2.50
- Cherry #9 (Last Gasp 1990) 2.50
- Cherry #10 (Last Gasp 1990) 2.50
- Cherry #11 (Last Gasp 1990) 3.50 special 3-D issue
- Cherry #12 (Last Gasp 1991) 2.95
- Cherry #13 (Last Gasp 1992) 2.95
- Cherry #14 (Kitchen Sink Press 1993) 2.95
- Cherry #15 (Kitchen Sink Press 1993) 2.95
- Cherry #16 (Kitchen Sink Press 1993) 2.95
- Chicago Cartoon (Mike Johnson and Bill Kamper 1993) 2.50
- chicago Cartoon #2 (Mike Hunt Comix and Art Comics 2001) 2.50
- Chicago Conspiracy Trial - Official Program (Doomsday Books / Grove press 1969) 1.00
- [JK.0447] Chicanos; The (North American Congress On Latin America Inc. 1973) .50
- chicken Clerk Newsletter; The (Paranoid Productions 1974)
- Children of Fire #1 (Richard Corben - Fantagor Press 1988) 2.00
- Children of Fire #2 (Richard Corben - Fantagor Press 1988) 2.00
- Children of Fire #3 (Richard Corben - Fantagor Press 1988) 2.00
- [JK.0448] Chocolate Alphabet; Harlan Ellison's (Harlan Ellison/Larry Todd – Last Gasp 1978) 1.25
- [JK.0449] Choice Meats #1 (Peanut Juce 1971) .50
- [JK.0450] Choice Meats #2 (Peanut Juce 1971) .50
- Choices (Angry Isis press 1990) 4.00
- [JK.0451] Cholo 1 (San Francisco Comic Book Company? 1980) 2.50
- [JK.0452] Chris Corona; The Collected Adventures of (Gerard C. Mooney Patchoque 1975) 2.50
- [JK.0453] Christmas Comics / Four-Bit Funnies #1 (Four-Bit Funnies 1978) .50
- [JK.0454] Chuck Chicken and Bruin Bear (Mike Turville 1980) 0.25
- [JK.0455] Chuck Chicken and Bruin Bear Mini Comics Book #1 - Mike Turville’s (Comix World 1981)
- [JK.0456] Circus Squadron Book One (Tom Fisher 1978) 1.00
- [JK.0457] City in my Head Comix (Dennis Walker? 1977)
- [JK.0458] City of Bone Comix (Thru Black Holes Comix 1981) 0.50
- [JK.0459] City Limits Comix #1 (Bruce Chrislip 1979) .50
- [JK.0460] City Limits Comix #2 (Bruce Chrislip 1980) 1.00
- City Limits Comix #3 (Bruce Chrislip 1980) 2.00
- [JK.0461] City Scenes 1 (Comix World 1982) (0.50)
- [JK.0462] Class War Comix (Cliff Harper – Kitchen Sink 1979) 1.00
- Clean Dirt Comix #1 (Richard Menustik 1986) 2.00
- Clearlake Comix (Polaris Adventures 1981) 1.25
- [JK.0463] Cloud Comics #1 (Kitchen Sink 1971) .50
- [JK.0464] Cloud Comics #2 (Head Imports 1972) .50
- [JK.0465] Clowns (Geiser – Yahoo Pro. 1972) .50
- [JK.0466] Cluster-Land (Thru Black Holes Comix 1981) 1.00
- Clydes Comics & Tails #2 (TERRENCE P. McCOY 1977) .50
- Cobalt 60 Book #1 (Tundra Publishing, Ltd 1992) 3.95
- Cobalt 60 Book #2 (Tundra Publishing, Ltd 1992) 4.95
- Cobalt 60 Book #3 (Tundra Publishing, Ltd 1992) 4.95
- Cobalt 60 Book #4 (Tundra Publishing, Ltd 1992) 4.95
- [JKg.056] Cobalt Blue #1(Power Comics Company, Jan. 1979) .50
- [JK.0467] Cocaine Comix #1 (Stout, Boates, Chidlaw – Last Gasp 1975) .75
- [JK.0468] Cocaine Comix #2 (Last Gasp 1980) 1.50
- [JK.0469] Cocaine Comix #3 (Robt. Williams, Chidlaw, Von-X a.o. – Last Gasp 1981) 1.50
- Cocaine Comix #4 (Last Gasp 1982) 1.50
- Cocaine Papers - Sigmund Freud (???)
- [JK.0470] Coching Komiks #1 (SF Comic Book Co 1976) .25
- [JK.0471] Cockroach Comix, California (Cockroach Comix 1980) .50
- [JKg.057] Cody Starbuck (Star Reach Productions, July 1978) $2.00
- [JK.0472] Cold Turkey 1 (Comix World 1980) (0.50)
- [JK.0473] Cole Black #1 (Rocky Hartberg Productions 1980) 1.00
- [JK.0474] Cole Black #2 (Rocky Hartberg Productions 1980) 1.25
- Cole Black #3 (Rocky Hartberg Productions 1981) 1.25
- Cole Black #4 (Rocky Hartberg Productions 1983) 1.25
- Cole Black #5 (Rocky Hartberg Productions 1983) 1.25
- [JK.0475] Collected Cheech Wizard; The (Vaughn Bodé – Print Mint 1972) .75
- [JK.0476] Collected Iggy and Snurt 1, The (BOA Productions 1980) 0.50
- Collected Naugacomics #2 (1989) 3.00
- Collected Sacker (Nerve Productions 1986) 2.00
- [JK.0477] Collected Tales of the Gigags #1; The (Brad W. Foster 1975) 1.25
- [JK.0478] Collected Trashman, The (Fat City, Red Mountain Tribe (The Berkley Tribe)) .25 Tabloid
- [JK.0479] Collected Beer Cans, A Beer Drinkers Guide to (Crummy Productions 1977)
- [JK.0480] Collection of Rejections 1, Dave Millers (David Miller 1981) 0.50
- [JK.0481] Collection of Rejections 2, Dave Millers (David Miller 1981) 0.50
- [JK.0482] Collective Unconscience of Odd Bodkins (Glide Publications 1973) 3.95 Book
- [JK.0483] Collectors Guide to Newave Comix #1 (Clay Geerdes' Comix World 1981)
- [JK.0484] Collegiate Comix (Keytone Kreeps Comix 1974) .25
- Collier`s 1 (Fantagraphics Books 1991) 2.75
- Collier`s 2 (Fantagraphics Books 1992) 2.75
- Collier`s 3 (Fantagraphics Books 1994) 2.75
- [JK.0485] Color (Moscoso – Printmint 1971) 1.00
- [JK.0486] Coloring Book and other unrelated Thinks 1 (Hypothetical Sketchbook 1975) 1.00
- [JK.0487] Col. Pud’s Single Shot (Worldcon Mimeo Service Denvention Denver 1981) .50
- [JK.0488] Come Out Comix (Mary Wings 1977) 1.00
- [JK.0489] Comical Funnies #1 (Serious old Businessman 1980) 1.00
- [JK.0490] Comical Funnies #2 (Serious old Businessman 1981) 1.00
- [JK.0491] Comical Funnies #3 (Serious old Businessman 1981) 1.00
- [JK.0492] Comic Book #1 (Progressive Energies Publishing Company 1973) 0.50
- [JK.0493] Comic Scroll #1 (Gun and Passport Comics 1970) 1.10
- [JK.0494] Comix D.I.N. #202 (Do it now Foundation National Media Center 1976?) 0.20
- [JK.0495] Com-ix (Marc Myers 1981) (0.25)
- [JK.0496] Comix Book #1 (Magazine Management 1974) 1.00
- [JK.0497] Comix Book #2 (Magazine Management 1974) 1.00
- [JK.0498] Comix Book #3 (Magazine Management 1975) 1.00
- [JK.0499] Comix Book #4 (Kitchen Sink 1976) 1.00
- [JK.0500] Comix Book #5 (Kitchen Sink 1976) 1.00
- [JK.0501] Comix Collector 1, The (Archival Press Inc. 1979) free
- [JK.0502] Comix Collector 2, The (Archival Press Inc. 1980) 0.75
- [JK.0503] Comix Collector 3, The (Archival Press Inc. 1980) 0.75
- [JK.0504] Comix Convention 0, Bob Vojtko’s (Bob Vojtko 1976) 0.20
- [JK.0505] Comix Convention 1, Bob Vojtko’s (Bob Vojtko 1976) 0.20
- [JK.0506] Comix Noir 20 Drawings (Peter A. Flynn 1980)
- [JK.0507] Comix Noir 2 (Peter A. Flynn 1981) 0.75?
- Comix of the Two Cities; The (co-published by Howski Studios and The Cryptic Corporation 1982) 1.00
- [JK.0508] Comix Trip (Cornbelt Comix 1972) .75
- [JK.0509] Comix Unlimited #1 (M&M 1975) .60
- [JK.0510] Comix Unlimited #2 (Comix Unlimited a division of M&M Enterprises 1975) .30
- [JK.0511] Comix Wave #1 (Comix World 1981) 1.50
- [JK.0512] Comix Wave #2 (Comix World 1981) 1.50
- [JK.0513] Comix Wave #3 (Comix World 1981) 1.50
- [JK.0514] Comix Wave #4 (Comix World 1981) 1.50
- [JK.0515] Comix Wave #5 (Comix World 1981) 1.25
- [JK.0516] Comix Wave #6 (Comix World 1982) 1.50
- [JK.0517] Comix Wave #7 (Comix World 1982) 1.50
- Comix Wave #8 (Comix World 1982) 1.50
- Comix Wave #9 (Comix World 1982) 1.50
- Comix Wave #10 (Comix World 1982) 1.50
- Comix Wave #11 (Comix World 198?) 1.50
- Comix Wave #12 (Comix World 198?) 1.50
- Comix Wave #13 (Comix World 1983) 1.50
- Comix Wave #14 (Comix World 1983) 1.50
- [JK.0518] Commie Comix (American Academic Enviroments 1971) .50
- [JK.0519] Commanche Moon (Rip Off Press 1979) 6.95/15.00 Book
- [JK.0520] Commies From Mars #1 (Boxell, Hunt Emerson a.o. – Last Gasp 1973) .50
- [JK.0521] Commies From Mars #2 (Boxell, Hunt Emerson a.o. – Last Gasp 1979) 1.25
- [JK.0522] Commies From Mars #3 (Boxell, Hunt Emerson a.o. – Last Gasp 1980) 1.50
- Commies From Mars #4 (Boxell, Hunt Emerson a.o. – Last Gasp 1982) 2.00
- Commies From Mars #5 (Boxell, Hunt Emerson a.o. – Last Gasp 1986) 2.50
- Commies From Mars #6 (Boxell, Hunt Emerson a.o. – Last Gasp 1987) 2.50
- [JK.0523] Communist Manifesto / Quixote Magazine Vol. 10 Nr. 2 (Quixote Press 1975) 1.50
- [JK.0524] Community Capers (Surrealist Multimedia Co-op 1971) .10
- [JK.0525] Compleat Fart; The (Lee Marrs – Kitchen Sink 1976) 1.00
- [JK.0526] Complete Book of BJ, The (Jabberwocky Graphix 1981) 0.75
- [JK.0527] Complete Fritz the Cat; The (Belier Press 1978) 6.00
- [JK.0528] Complete Rocket Squad!; The (Eat Art Studios 1981) 1.00
- [JK.0529] Compost Comics #1 (Metzger, Todd a.o.) .50
- [JK.0530] Conception Everyman Comics Mini-Series #19 (Everyman Comics 1980) .25
- [JK.0531] Conceptual Fun (John Adams) .05
- Conen - 1/2 Dr. Strenge (N. E. Mercantile 1973) 2.00
- [JK.0532] Conspiracy Capers #1 (The Conspiracy 1969) .50
- [JK.0533] Consumer Comix (Loft, Poplaski – Krupp Comic Works 1975) no price
- Contingency Management in Education & Other Equally Exciting Places (Behaviordelia 1971)
- [JK.0534] Coochy Cooty Men's Comics #1 (Robert Williams – Industrial Realities 1970) 1.00
- Cops n´Dopers (Mayflower, Inlimited 1977) 3.00
- [JK.0535] Corn Fed Comics #1 (Kim Deitch 1972) .50
- [JK.0536] Corn Fed Comics #2 (Kim Deitch – Cartoonist Co-op Press 1973) .50
- [JK.0537] Corporate Crime Comics #1 (Diggs, Trina, Deitch, Irons a.o. – Kitchen Sink 1977) 1.00
- [JK.0538] Corporate Crime Comics #2 (Trina, Diggs, Todd, Kinney, Irons a.o. – Kitchen Sink 1979) 1.00
- [JK.0539] Corruption Comics (San Francisco Comic Book Company 1972) 0.07
- [JK.0540] Cosmic Capers (Big Muddy Comics 1972) .50
- [JK.0541] Cosmic Circus (Regg King 1974) 1.00
- [JK.0542] Cosmic Circus 2 (Regg King 1976) 2.00
- [JK.0543] Cosmic Circus 3
- [JK.0544] Cosmic Circus 4 (Cosmic Brain Trust)
- [JK.0545] Cosmic Circus 5 (Rey King 1978 or 79) 2.00
- [JK.0546] Cosmic Circus, The best of (Cosmic Brain Trust 1978) 2.00
- [JK.0547] Cosmic Comics (1969)
- [JK.0548] Cosmic Flotsom (Free Kluck Productions 1981)
- Cosmic Sorcery (Chien Publishing 1977) 1.50
- [JK.0549] Comics Strawberries - A Portfolio of Drawings by Tom Foster (Toad Frogster 1979) 3.50
- [JK.0550] Country Hits Jamboree (San Francisco Comic Book Company 1972) 0.08
- [JK.0551] Cover Comic #1 (Socerer Studios / Wayne Gibson 1979) .25
- [JK.0552] Cover-up Lowdown (Kinney/Mavrides – Rip Off Press 1977) .75
- [JK.0553] Cow Hips (Animal Mitchel Publications / David Stanford 1977)
- [JK.0554] Cranium Frenzy #1 (Steven Willis 1981) 2.50
- [JK.0555] Cranium Frenzy #2 (Steven Willis 1982) 2.50
- [JK.0556] Crash Street Kids; Th' (Crash Street Enterprises Jim C. Brocius 1977) .75
- [JK.0557] Creation Story Verbatim 11, The (Institute for the Development of Harmonious Being 1973)
- [JK.0558] Creation Discourse (Jabberwocky / Brad W. Foster 1981) 0.75
- Creature Feature (1986) .75
- [JK.0559] Critter Papers #1, The (Jerry Collins 1979)
- Crumb’s Brother’s Magazine (Maxon Crumb 1994)
- [JK.0560] Crystal Knight; Adventures of (Sharon Rudahl – Kitchen Sink 1980) 1.25
- Cultural Correspondence - Radical Humor (Cultural Correspondence 1981) 1.00
- [JK.0561] Cunt Coloring Book (Pearchild Productions 1975) 2.00
- [JK.0562] Cunt Comics #1 (San Francisco Comic Book Co./Gary Arlington 1969) .50
- [JK.0563] Cunt Fart Funnies 1 (Clandestine Comic Co. / Tom Hosier 1973) .25
- Current (Maranatha, 1979) Complimentary record catalog (Rick Griffin)
- [JK.0564] Cynicalman 5 ((Matt Feazell) 1982) .25
c_titles.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/18 14:51 by