- S. Clay Wilson Portfolio Comix (Print Mint 1970) .50
- Sacred and Profane (Justin Green – Last Gasp 1976)
- Safe ‘N’ Sound (Come get it Graphics 1973) .50
- Sally Forth #1 (Wallace Wood, 1976?) $3.50
- Sally Forth #2 (Wallace Wood, 1977) $4.00
- Sally Forth #3 (Wallace Wood, 1978) $4.00
- Sally Forth #4 (Wallace Wood, 1979?) $4.00
- Sally Starr Hollywood Gal Sleuth (1972) .10
- Saloon (Geiser – Yahoo Productions 1979)
- Sammy Saved and al Most (Sonday Funnies Comic Corp. 1974) .35
- [JK.1719] Samo Comix Everyman Comics Mini Series #6 (Everyman Studios 1979) $0.25
- San Francisco Comic Book 1 (S.F. Comic Book Co. 1969) .50
- San Francisco Comic Book 2 (Murphy, Osborne, Welz, Irons a.o. – S.F. Comic Book Co. 1970) .50
- San Francisco Comic Book 3 (S.F. Comic Book Co. 1970) .50
- San Francisco Comic Book 4 (Murphy, Osborne, Hayes, Spain a.o. – S.F. Comic Book Co. 1973) .50
- San Francisco Comic Book 5 (S.F. Comic Book Co. 1979) 1.25
- San Francisco Comic Book 6 (S.F. Comic Book Co. 1981) 1.50
- San Francisco Comic Book 7 (S.F. Comic Book Co. 1983) 2.00
- Sand Scripts (Howski Grafix Studios 1977) (2.00)
- Saturday Mindfuckee Funnies (Alternative Medi Project Goddard College Plainfield 1970) free / Poster - One-Sheet
- Savage Humor (Pound, Shaw a.o. – Print Mint 1973) .50
- Scarlett Pilgrim (Trina Robbins – Last Gasp 1977) 1.00
- Scasm 2 (Syracuse Comic Art Society Sycause University NA 1975) .75
- skeletoons Everyman Comics Mini Series #18 (Everyman Studios 1980) $0.25
- Schizophrenia / Cheech Wizard (Vaughn Bodé – Last Gasp 1973) .75
- SComix 1 (Scrap Publications 1979) .75
- SComix 2 (Scrap Publications 1979) .75
- Scrabbis Reno Comics 1 (Everyman Studios 1976) .25
- Scrabbis Treno 1 (Everyman Studios 1977) .50
- Scratchatune Comics (Bush League Records 1981)
- Screw Iran Coloring Book, The (Dungeon Ventures 1981) .50
- Seattle Simpleton 1 (Homestead Press 1975) tabloid - .10
- Seattle Star 1 (Starhead Comix 1985) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 2 (Starhead Comix 1985) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 3 (Starhead Comix 198?) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 4 (Starhead Comix 198?) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 5 (Starhead Comix 198?) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 6 (Starhead Comix 198?) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 7 (Starhead Comix 198?) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 8 (Starhead Comix 198?) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 9 (Starhead Comix 198?) free / tabloid
- Seattle Star 10 (Starhead Comix 198?) free / tabloid
- Simpleton 2 (Homestead Press 1975) tabloid - .35
- Simpleton 3 (Homestead Press 1976) tabloid - .50
- Secret Agent for the C.I.A. (Robert Crumb - Ballentine Books Inc. 1972) 1.00
- Secret Relealed! (Jabberwocky Graphix 1999) 4.99
- Selected Sketchbook Pages - 1975-1979 (Hidden Noise Press / James Vukos 1979)
- Self-Loathing Comics 1 (Fantagraphics Books 1995) 2.95
- Self-Loathing Comics 2 (Fantagraphics Books 1997) 3.50
- Sex and Violence Comix 1 (Kriss Jackson 1975) .55
- Sex and Affection (Family Pub. 1974)
- Shadowland 1 (Fantagraphics Books 1989) 2.25
- Shadowland 2 (Fantagraphics Books 1989) 2.25
- Shall we do it again (Salomn Studios 1978) 1.00
- Shiva’s Headband (Armadillo Produstions 1970) free
- Shocking Fear 1 (Pasttime Productions 198?) 1.35
- Shocking Fear 2 (Pasttime Productions 1983) 1.50
- [JK.1773] Shortcomings of the Red Banana (Roger May, 1976) .25
- Short Order Comix 1 (Head Import 1973) .50
- Short Order Comix 2 (Family Fun 1974) .75
- Show + Tell Comics (Justin Green – Print Mint 1973) .50
- Side Show (1976) .50
- Silent Majority Comix 2 (Rip Off Press 1970?)
- [JK.1786] Skeletoons Everyman Comics Mini Series #18 (Everyman Studios 1980) $0.25
- Skull Comics 1 (Irons, Sheridan, Jaxon, Schrier, Hayes – Rip Off Press 1970) .50
- Skull Comics 2 (Shelton, Corben, Jaxon, Irons, Sheridan – Last Gasp 1970) .50
- Skull Comics 3 (Spain, Irons, Sheridan, Corben, Jaxon, Veitch – Last Gasp 1971) .50
- Skull 4 (Jaxon, Deitch, Dallas, Todd, Sheridan a.o. – Last Gasp 1972) .50
- Skull 5 (Spain, Corben, Todd, Sheridan, Deitch, Dallas – Last Gasp 1972) .50
- Skull 6 (Irons/Veitch/Corben – Last Gasp 1972) .50
- Skull Killer (Pulp Mania Inc. 1975) 1.50
- Sky Bums and Space Gypsies (Kris Jackson 1976) .65
- Sky River Funnies (Bobby London - Late 70`s) free
- Sleazy Scandels of the Silver Screen (Cartoonist Co-Op Press 1974 / Kitchen Sink 1978)
- Slick Comix (Karmakard Co. c/o Jane Jenkins 1974) .25
- Slit Funnies (Captain Imperacable 1970) .25
- Sloppy Seconds (Jerry Tomasiewicz Omaha, Nebraska 1978)
- Slow Death Funnies 1 (Irons, Sheridan, Osborn, Shelton – Last Gasp 1970) .50
- Slow Death 2 (Jaxon, Sheridan, Osborne, Corben – Last Gasp 1970) .50
- Slow Death 3 (Corben, Irons, Osborne, Jaxon, Welz, Sheridan – Last Gasp 1971) .50
- Slow Death 4 (Last Gasp 1972) .50
- Slow Death 5 (Holmes, Corben, Veitch, Irons, Jaxon, Dallas, Sheridan – Last Gasp 1973) .50
- Slow Death 6 (Holmes, Metzger, Dallas, Jaxon – Last Gasp 1974) .75
- Slow Death 7 (Stout, Jaxon, Irons a.o. – Last Gasp 1977) 1.00
- Slow Death 8 (Stout, Irons, Gilbert, Brand, Boxell a.o. – Last Gasp 1977) 1.00
- Slow Death 9 (Irons, Boxell a.o. – Last Gasp 1978) 1.00
- Slow Death 10 (Irons, Colwell, Boxell a.o. – Last Gasp 1979) 1.00
- Slow Death 11 (Last Gasp 1983) 2.95
- Slug 3 - Golden Slug! 3 (Graphics Story Guilde Gollege 5 / University of Ca. 1974) .25
- Slug 4 (Graphics Story Guilde Gollege 5 / University of Ca. 1975)
- Slug 5 - All-Slug 5 (Graphics Story Guilde Gollege 5 / University of Ca. 1976)
- Slug 6 - Uncle Charlie’s Summer Slug 6 (Graphics Story Guilde Gollege 5 / University of Ca. 1977) 1.00
- Slug 7 (Graphics Story Guilde 1978) 1.25
- Slug 8 Comix & Stories - Amoeba Heart Flayer (Graphics Story Guilde 1979).50
- Slur Machine Gun Of God (Dennis Worden 1982) 2.00
- Slutburger 1 (Rip Off Press 1990) 2.50
- Slutburger 2 (Rip Off Press 1991) 2.50
- Slutburger 3 (Rip Off Press 1992) 2.50
- Small Press Comics Explosion 8 (Cat Graphics Publications 1986) 2.00
- Smile 1 (Jim Mitchell – Kitchen Sink 1971) .50
- Smile 2 (Jim Mitchell – Kitchen Sink 1972) .50
- Smile 3 (Jim Mitchell – Kitchen Sink 1972) .50
- [JKg.170] Smilin' Ed Comics #1 (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., 1980) $1.25
- [JKg.171] Smilin' Ed Smiley Comics #2 (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., 1980) $1.25
- [JKg.172] Smilin' Ed Smiley Comics #3 (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., 1981) $1.25
- [JKg.173] Smilin' Ed Comics #1 (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., 1981) $1.00
- Smoot 1 (Skip Williamson 1995) 2.95
- Smut Comix - The Salvation of Mankind from Unnatural Temptation (Purient Press 1971)
- Snafu 1 (Canadian 150 copies / 230?)
- Snafu 2 (Canadian 230 copies)
- Snapper 1 (Artists at large 1973) .50
- Snapper 1 (Artists at large 1973) 1.00
- Snappy Sammy Smoot (Skip Williamson, Bijou – Kitchen Sink 1979) 1.00
- Snarf 1 (Kitchen, Geradts, Boxell a.o. – Kitchen Sink 1972) .50
- Snarf 2 (Lynch, Poplaski, Boxell, Kitchen a.o. – Kitchen Sink 1972) .50
- Snarf 3 (Eisner, Poplaski, Kitchen, Geradts, Boxell a.o. – Kitchen Sink 1972) .50
- Snarf 4 (Geradts, Boxell, Kitchen a.o. – Kitchen Sink 1976) .50
- Snarf 5 (Kurtzman, Geradts, Cruse a.o. – Kitchen Sink 1974) .65
- Snarf 6 (Crumb, Beck, Kitchen, Richards/Murphy, Kinney – Kitchen Sink 1976) .75
- Snarf 7 (Spiegelman, Stiles, Beck, Trina, Metzger, Deitch – Kitchen Sink 1977) 1.00
- Snarf 8 (Pound, Deitch, Spiegelman, Cruse, Trina, J. Green, Beck – Kitchen Sink 1978) 1.00
- Snarf 9 (Cabarga, Crumb, Cruse, Geary, Deitch, Beck, Stiles – Kitchen Sink 1981) 1.50
- Snarf 10 (Kitchen Sink 198?) 2.00
- Snarf 11 (Kitchen Sink 1989) 2.00
- Snarf 12 (Kitchen Sink 1989) 2.00
- Snarf 13 (Kitchen Sink 1989) 2.00
- Snarf 14 (Kitchen Sink 1990) 2.00
- Snarf 15 (Kitchen Sink 1990) 2.50
- Snatch 1 (Apex Novelties 1968) .25
- Snatch 2 (Apex Novelties 1969) .50
- Snatch 3 (Apex Novelties 1969) .50
- Snoid Comics (Kitchen Sink 1979) 2.00
- Snore Comix 2 (The Coach House Press 1970)
- Wilderness Road and Flippy Skippy Williamson Present Snuk Comix 1 (Wilderness Road / Skippy Williamson 1970)
- [JKg.174] Sojourn #1 (Sojourn a division of White Cliffs Publishing Co., Sept. 1977) $1.50
- [JKg.175] Sojourn #2 (Sojourn a division of White Cliffs Publishing Co., Sept. 1977) $1.50
- Softcore (Landeros, Shelby – Print Mint 1973) .50
- Softcore Pornographic Coloring Book (Apple Marv 1971) 2.50
- Soho Detective (Nudlgrafix Publications 1980) (1.00)
- Someday Funnies (Jay Kinney)
- Sometimes I Sleep Late (R. Fox 1980)
- Somewhere in Plasticville U.S.A. (Artchie Strips 1971) .50
- Son of Fub (1970)
- Son of Mutant World 1 (Fantagor Press 1990) 2.00
- Son of Mutant World 2 (Fantagor Press 1990) 2.00
- Son of Mutant World 3 (Fantagor Press 1990) 1.75
- Son of Mutant World 4 (Fantagor Press 1990) 1.75
- Son of Mutant World 5 (Fantagor Press 1990) 1.75
- Sonoma Comix (Polaris Adventures 1981) 1.25
- Space Dog 1 (Warren Greenwood – Greenwood Organization 1978)
- Space Fantasys (Fantasy House 1973) 1.50
- Spaced 1 (Comics & Comix 1974) .75
- Spaced 2 (Jim A. Pinkoski and the Comix and Comix 1973) 1.00
- Spaced 3 (Jim A. Pinkoski and the Comix and Comix 1976) 2.00
- [JK.1865] Space Junk Everyman Comics Mini Series #14 (Everyman Studios 1980) $0.25
- Spaced Out (T. Bird, Roach, Pinkoski, Verreaux – Print Mint 1972) .50
- Spartan 1 (Silver Bullet Comics 1979) 1.25
- Spasm! (Jeff Jones – Last Gasp 1973) .50
- Tales from the Sphinx vol. 2 (Kitchen Sink 1972) .50
- Sphinx vol. 3 (Print Mint 1973) .50
- Spiffy Stories (Print Mint 1969) .50
- [JKg.176] Spirit #1, the (Kitchen Sink Enterprises, Jan. 1973) .50
- [JKg.177] Spirit #2, the (Kitchen Sink Enterprises, Sept. 1973) .50
- Spit in the Ocean Issue 1, Volume 1 - “Old in the Streets” (1977)
- St. Louis Bug, The - St. Louis Con Comics 1969 (St. Louis Con 1969) .20
- Stanley No Rose Employment Agency (??? 1976) 1.50
- Star Fems 1 (Paragon 1980) 3.00
- Star Fems 2 (Paragon 1982) 2.95
- [JKg.178] Star Fighters #1 (Landgraphics, May/June 1979) $1.25
- [JKg.179] Star Fighters #2 (Landgraphics, 1980) $1.50
- [JKg.180] Star Fighters #3 (Landgraphics, 1982) $2.00
- [JKg.181] Star Forces #1 (the Other Faculty, 1978) .50
- [JKg.182] Star Reach #1 (Star*Reach Productions, 1974) .75
- [JKg.183] Star Reach #2 (Star*Reach Productions, 1975) $1.00
- [JKg.184] Star Reach #3 (Star*Reach Productions, Sept. 1975) $1.00
- [JKg.185] Star Reach #4 (Star*Reach Productions, March 1976) $1.00
- [JKg.186] Star Reach #5 (Star*Reach Productions, July 1976) $1.25
- [JKg.187] Star Reach #6 (Star*Reach Productions, Oct. 1976) $1.25
- [JKg.188] Star Reach #7 (Star*Reach Productions, Jan. 1977) $1.25
- [JKg.189] Star Reach #8 (Star*Reach Productions, April 1977) $1.25
- [JKg.190] Star Reach #9 (Star*Reach Productions, June 1977) $1.25
- [JKg.191] Star Reach #10 (Star*Reach Productions, Sept. 1977) $1.25
- [JKg.192] Star Reach #11 (Star*Reach Productions, Dec. 1977) $1.25
- [JKg.193] Star Reach #12 (Star*Reach Productions, March 1978) $1.50
- [JKg.194] Star Reach #13 (Star*Reach Productions, Aug. 1978) $1.50
- [JKg.195] Star Reach #14 (Star*Reach Productions, Aug./Sept. 1978) $1.50
- [JKg.196] Star Reach #15 (Star*Reach Productions, Dec. 1978) $1.75
- [JKg.197] Star Reach #16 (Star*Reach Productions, April 1979) $1.25
- [JKg.198] Star Reach #17 (Star*Reach Productions, July 1979) $1.25
- [JKg.199] Star Reach #18 (Star*Reach Productions, Oct. 1979) $1.25
- [JKg.200] Star Reach Greatest Hits (Star*Reach Productions, 1979) $6.95
- Star Weevils (J. Michael Leonard – Rip Off Press 1978) 1.00
- Starjongleur Collection, The (Tryivertrell Press 1986) 2.50
- Stickboy 1 (Fantagraphics Books 1988) 2.25
- Stone Grafix (Stonegraphic Press / Black Ace 1972) 2.00
- Stoned-out Funnies 1 (Adam's Apple 1972) .50
- Storybook Comics (Joe Zabel 1981) (2.00)
- Straight Banana! - The Story of Bonnie and Hyde! (Leo Production for Sutter Cinema 1970) (free)
- Steve Ditko’s Strange Avenging Tales (Fantagraphics Books 1997) 2.95
- Stranger in a Strange Land 1 (Rip Off Press 1989) 2.00
- Stranger in a Strange Land 2 (Rip Off Press 1989) 2.00
- Stranger in a Strange Land 3 (Rip Off Press 1991) 2.00
- Strawberries from Mars (Tom Foster 1975)
- Street Runoff 1 (???) 9.99
- Subvert Comics 1 (Spain – Rip Off Press 1970) (.50)
- Subvert Comics 2 (Spain – Rip Off Press 1972) (.50)
- Subvert Comics 3 (Spain –Saving Grace 1976) 1.00
- Suds (Print Mint 1969) .50
- Sunday Papers, The Vol. 1 Nr. 1 - Feb 03-16 (1972) Tabloid
- Sunday Papers, The Vol. 1 Nr. 2 - Feb 17-23 (1972) Tabloid
- Sunday Papers, The Vol. 1 Nr. 3 - Feb 24 – March 01 (1972) Tabloid
- Sunday Papers, The Vol. 1 Nr. 4 - March 02 – 08 (1972) Tabloid
- Sunday Papers, The Vol. 1 Nr. 5 - March 09 – 16 (1972) Tabloid
- Sunday Papers, The Vol. 1 Nr. 6 - March 17 – 23 (1972) Tabloid
- Sunday Papers, The Vol. 1 Nr. 7 - March 24 – 30 (1972) Tabloid
- Sunpot (Stellar Prod. 1971) 2.00
- Super Baloney 4 (Wallplug Publications / Kerry Lochner 1973) .20
- Super Baloney 5 (Wallplug Publications / Kerry Lochner 1973) .20
- Super Baloney 6 (Wallplug Publications / Kerry Lochner 1973) .20
- Superbitch 1 (California Comics 1971)
- Super Jesus (Atlantis Pictures 1972) .50
- Super Soul Comix 1 (Richard Green – Kitchen Sink 1972) .50
- Super-Freaks 1 (Dave Rowe 1981)
- Swamp Fever (Big Muddy 1972) .50
s_titles.txt · Last modified: 2016/02/20 15:42 by 2ndadmin