- [JK.0938] Hairy Who, Cat-A-Log ((Corcoran Gallery of Art Washington DC?) 1969?) 1.00
- [JK.0939] Hairy Who Sideshow ((Hyde Park Art Center Chicago?) 1967?) 1.00
- [JK.0940] Hairy Who, The Portable ((Hyde Park Art Center Chicago?) 1966?) .50
- [JK.0941] Hairy Who "U" "Who" The Hairy Who, Smoke ((Hyde Park Art Center Chicago?) 1968?) 1.00
- [JK.0942] Half Ton Pickup (SF Comic Book Co. 1972) .07
- [JK.0943] Halloween (Thru Black Holes Comix 1981) .50
- [JK.0944] Hang-Up; The (Aboveground Comics c/o Randall Muir General Delivery Postal Station 1978) .75
- [JK.0945] Happy Comix (Madcam Enterprises / Marc Meyers and Clark Allen Dissmeyer 1980) .10
- [JK.0946] Happy Endings Comics (Rip Off 1969) .50
- [JK.0947] Happy Times Comix (Warren William Greenwood 1971) .25
- Hardball #1 (Aircil 1991) 2.95
- [JK.0948] Hard Core (Tim Boxell 1971 or 1974)
- [JK.0949] Har Dee Har Har Comics 01 (Sphincter Publications Inc. / Greg Sadowski 1979) .50
- [JK.0950] Hard Times (Adam's apple 1971) .50
- [JK.0951] HARD vs SOFT … energy (Educomics 1978)
- [JK.0952] Hara-Kiri Komiks (Marc Myers )
- [JK.0953] Harold Hedd #1 (Rand Holmes – Last Gasp 1973)
- [JK.0954] Harold Hedd #2 (Rand Holmes – Last Gasp 1973) .50
- Harold Hedd: Hitler's Cocaine, Part 1 (Rand Holmes – Kitchen Sink 1984, color) 2.00
- Harold Hedd: Hitler's Cocaine, Part 2 (Rand Holmes – Kitchen Sink 1984, color) 2.00
- [JK.0955] Harry Chess, That Man from A.U.N.T.I.E.; The uncensored Adventures of (Trojan Book Service 1966)
- [JK.0956] Hash-Slinger Comix (Third Coast Printing + Art Press 1978) .45
- [JK.0957] Hate Brothers Gang, The Notorious (Recent Future Productions 1980) (.50)
- [JK.0958] Hawgfat Funnies (Osborne Enterprises 1972) .75
- Head 3.50
- [JK.0959] Head Comix, R. Crumb’s (Viking Press 1968) 2.50
- [JK.0960] Headlines (Animal Mitchel Publications / David Stanford 1980)
- [JK.0961] Heart (John Aulenta 1973) .50
- [JK.0962] Heartbreaks and Mutants (John A. Adams / Pure Art 1975) .05
- [JK.0963] Hear the Sound of my Feet Walking (Glide Urban Center Publications 1969) 3.95
- [JK.0964] Heat Theater #1 (Pumpkin Press / Larry Becker 1976) .75
- [JK.0965] Heat Theater #2 (Pumpkin Press / Larry Becker 1977) .50
- [JK.0966] Heavy Comix (Zip 1972) .35
- [JK.0967] Heavy Tragi-Comics (Irons – Print Mint 1969) .50
- [JK.0968] Heebie Jeebie Funnies #1 (Joel Milke 1976) .25
- [JK.0969] Heebie Jeebie Funnies #2 (Joel Milke /Pestiferous Publications 1978) .50
- [JK.0970] Hee Hee Comics (Company & Sons 1970) .50
- [JK.0971] Hello from San Diego (Schanes and Schanes 1978) 2.50
- [JKg.101] Hembeck (#1) (Eclipse Enterprises, March 1979) $2.00
- [JKg.102] Hembeck 1980 (#2) (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., Feb. 1980) $2.50
- [JKg.103] Hembeck #3, Abbot & Costello Meet the Bride of (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., June 1980) $1.25
- [JKg.104] Hembeck! #4, Bah (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., Nov. 1980) $1.25
- [JKg.105] Hembeck File (#5) (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., Feb. 1981) $2.50
- [JKg.106] Hembeck #6 (Fantaco Enterprises Inc., Sept. 1981) $2.25
- Hemp for Victory (Starhead Comix 1993) 2.50
- [JK.0972] Here! (Howski Grafix Studios 1977) free
- Heroes, Inc. Presents #1 (Wallace Wood 1969) .50
- Heroes, Inc. Presents #2 (Cpl/Gang Publications - Wallace Wood 1976) 2.00
- [JK.0973] Heros of the Blues (Yozzoo Records Inc. 1980) 5.98
- [JK.0974] Hidden Noise 5 (Hidden Noise Press / James Vukos 1980) .75
- [JK.0975] Hidden Noise 6 (Hidden Noise Press / James Vukos 1980)
- [JK.0976] Hidden Noise 7 (Hidden Noise Press / James Vukos 1981)
- [JK.0977] Hidden Noise 8 (Hidden Noise Press / James Vukos 1981)
- [JK.0978] Heirogrphics #1; The Alternative Comik (Hierocomiks Publications / Conrad 1970) .50
- [JK.0979] High Adventure (Kitchen Sink 1971) .50
- [JK.0980] High-Fi Comix (Paul McGehee 1973) .50
- [JK.0981] High-flyin' Funnies Comix and Stories (Print Mint 1970) .50
- [JK.0982] Highlights in Evolution Volume One (Clark Allen Dissmeyer 1980) .25
- [JK.0983] All New Underground Comix #3 - High School Funnies/The Mountain (Last Gasp Eco-Funnies, 1973) $0.50
- [JK.0984] Hi-Lite Hi-Jinks ((Victor Moscoso) 1972) $0.07?
- [JK.0985] His Story (Artpolice Minneapolis College of Art and Design 1974)
- [JK.0986] History of the Unicorn Church, A (Animal Mitchell Publications / David Stanford 1975)
- [JK.0987] History of Underground Comics, A (Staight Arrow Books 1974) 9.95
- [JK.0988] Hit The Road #1 ((Ryan/Rosander – Print Mint 1971) .50
- [JK.0989] Hobo Stories (Everyman Studios 1979) 1.25
- Hog of Steel #1 Wonder Wart-Hog (Rip Off Press) 2.50
- Hog of Steel #2 Wonder Wart-Hog (Rip Off Press) 2.50
- Hog of Steel #3 Wonder Wart-Hog (Rip Off Press) 2.50
- [JK.0990] Hogwash (John A. Mahomet 1979)
- [JK.0991] Hoksila and his Friends (Dan O’ Neill - mid 70’s)
- [JK.0992] Holey Script (Jack D. Zastre 1981) free
- Holee Sheet (Chthon Press 1969) 1.00
- [JK.0993] Holey Shit #1 (Non-Organization 1980) 1.50
- [JK.0994] Hollywood Fats Funnies (Joe Milke 1979) 1.00
- [JK.0995] Homage to the Nose (Richard N. Wayne 1980) .50
- [JK.0996] Home Grown Funnies (Crumb – Krupp Comic Works 1971) .75
- [JK.0997] Home Made Comics (Stray Kat Studios / George Erling 1978) free
- [JK.0998] Honky Tonk #2 (Company & Sons 1970) .50
- [JK.0999] Honkytonk Sue #1 (Bob Boze Bell 1979) 1.50
- [JK.1000] Honkytonk Sue #2 (Bob Boze Bell 1980) 1.75
- [JK.1001] Honkytonk Sue #3 (Bob Boze Bell 1980) 1.75
- [JK.1002] Honkytonk Sue #4 (Bob Boze Bell 1980) 1.75
- Hoobi Yaps Artifact; The (Howski Studios 1983) 2.00
- [JK.1003] Hooha Comics and Stories #1 (Brou Haha Studio 1978) 1.25
- [JK.1004] Hooha Comics and Stories #2 (Brou Haha Studio 1979) 1.75
- Hooha Comics #3 (???)
- Horizons Vol. 1 No. 1 (1975) .60
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #1 (Last Gasp 1990)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #2 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #3 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #4 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #5 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #6 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #7 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #8 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #9 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #10 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #11 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #12 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Biker Slut Comics #13 (Last Gasp 199?)
- Horny Stories & Comix #1 (Rip off Press 1991)
- [JK.1005] Horrible Misunderstandings 1 (Everyman Studios 1980) .25
- [JK.1006] Horrible Misunderstandings 2 (Everyman Studios 1980) .35
- Horror in the Dark #1 (Fantagor Press 1991) 2.00
- Horror in the Dark #2 (Fantagor Press 1991) 2.00
- Horror in the Dark #3 (Fantagor Press 1991) 2.00
- Horror in the Dark #4 (Fantagor Press 1991) 2.00
- [JK.1007] Hot Crackers, All New Underground Comix #2: (Last Gasp Eco-Funnies, 1972) $0.50
- [JK.1008] Hot Nuts Comix (Adams Apple Distributing Company 1972) .50
- [JKg.107] Hot Shot #1 - presents: She Devils (James Glenn, 1975) $1.00
- [JK.1009] Hot Spots (James Glenn 1976) .25
- [JKg.108] Hot Stuf' #1 (Sal Quartuccio, Summer 1974) $2.50
- [JKg.109] Hot Stuf' #2 (Sal Quartuccio, Winter 1975) $4.00
- [JKg.110] Hot Stuf' #3 (Sal Quartuccio, Winter 1976) $1.50
- [JKg.111] Hot Stuf' #4 (Sal Quartuccio, Spring 1977) $1.50
- [JKg.112] Hot Stuf' #5 (Sal Quartuccio, Fall 1977) $1.50
- [JKg.113] Hot Stuf' #6 (Sal Quartuccio, Winter 1977) $2.00
- [JKg.114] Hot Stuf' #7 (Sal Quartuccio, 1978) $2.00
- [JKg.115] Hot Stuf' #8 (Sal Quartuccio, 1978) $2.00
- [JK.1010] Howard The Duck in "Inner Space" ((Comix World?) 1980 or 1981)
- [JK.1011] Howard The Duck in "Rough Night in Cleveland" ((Randy Crawford) 1977)
- [JK.1012] Howski Portfolio (Howski Grafix Studios 1977)
- [JK.1013] How to Th…Row a small Clay Bowl (Tin Man Studios 1976) .50
- How Two Ex-Presidents Went Up My Nose (Steve Willis 1994)
- [JK.1014] Human Drama (Print Mint 1978) 1.00
- [JK.1015] Humour,A (Dot Bucher 1976)
- [JK.1016] Hungry Chuck Biscuits #1 (Kitchen Sink 1971) .50
- Hup (Gary Panter, 1977)
- Hup #1 (Last gasp 1986) 2.50
- Hup #2 (Last gasp 1987) 2.50
- Hup #3 (Last gasp 1989) 2.50
- Hup #4 (Last gasp 1991) 2.95
- Hvuyim #1 (Red Stew Comix 1988) 2.00
- [JK.1017] Hydrogen Bomb and Biochemical Warfare Funnies 1 (Rip Off 1970) .50
- [JK.1018] Hyper Comics (Steve Stiles – Kitchen Sink 1979) 1.00
h_titles.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/18 14:56 by