- Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers: See Freak Brothers
- [JK.0695] Faces from the Fountain (Animal Mitchel Publications / David Stanford 1977)
- [JK.0696] Face the Future (Mark Fisher 1981) (1.00)
- [JK.0697] Facts o’ Life Funnies (Shelton, Crumb, Flenniken, Richards, Hallgren a.o. – Rip Off Press 1972) .50
- [JKg.074] Faerie Star #1 (Moon Press Productions, 1977) $1.75
- [JKg.075] Faerie Star #2 (Moon Press Productions, 1979) $1.95
- [JK.0698] Faked Orgasm, The (Incurve Press 1976)
- [JK.0699] Fall (SF Comic Book Co. 1972) 0.07
- Famous Art Mystery (1983)
- [JK.0700] Famous in their Field (Animal Mitchell Publications / David Stanford 1979)
- Fan.Tastic #1 (Jeffery Jorna basement 1979)
- [JK.0701] Fanboy; Alfred Judson's (Jay Lynch) 1972) 1.00
- [JK.0702] Fan Free Funnies #1 (Commonwealth Times Virginia University 1973) free
- [JK.0703] Fan Free Funnies #2 (Commonwealth Times Virginia University 1973) free
- [JK.0704] Fan Free Funnies #3 (Commonwealth Times Virginia University 1973) free
- Fandom Confidential (Kitchen Sink Press) 2.95
- Fandom Funnies #2 (Weirdo Publishing Company 1976) 1.00
- Fandom Team Up #2 (Jeff Wood and Larry Blake 1986) 1.50
- [JK.0705] Fantagor #1 (Corben – Last Gasp 1970) .50
- [JK.0706] Fantagor #2 (Corben, Arnold, Dresser, Bodé – Last Gasp 1972, color) 1.00
- [JK.0707] Fantagor #3 (Corben, Arnold, Dresser, Bodé – Last Gasp 1972, color) .75
- [JK.0708] Fantagor #4 (Corben, Boxell, Dresser, Gore, Holman – Last Gasp 1972, color) .75
- Fantagor #5; Fantagor Presents Brood (Corben - Fantagor Press 1983) 1.75
- [JK.0709] Fan.Tastic 1 (Jeffery Jorna basement 1979)
- Fantasy Heroes Hangout (
) 0.50
- [JKg.061] Fantasy Quarterly #1 featuring Elfquest (IPS, Spring 1978) $1.00
- [JK.0710] Farewell to Charlie Chaplin (Rick Geary 1979)
- [JK.0711] Fark Comix #1 (Aardvark Press / Athens 1969) .50
- [JK.0712] Farm-Life (Children’ Grafiks distributed by Constant Cause 1980) .75
- [JK.0713] Far Out West (Performing Arts Social Society Inc. 1976) 1.00
- Fat Freddy's Comics & Stories #1 (ROP 1983) 1.50
- Fat Freddy's Comics & Stories #2 (ROP 1986) 2.00
- [JK.0714] Fat Freddy's Cat #1, The Adventures of (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1977) .75
- [JK.0715] Fat Freddy's Cat #2, The Adventures of (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1977) .75
- [JK.0716] Fat Freddy's Cat #3, The Adventures of (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1977) .75
- [JK.0717] Fat Freddy's Cat #4, The Adventures of (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1978) .75
- [JK.0718] Fat Freddy's Cat #5, The Adventures of (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1980) 1.00
- Fat Freddy's Cat #6, The Adventures of (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1986) 2.00
- [JK.0719] Fat Lip Funnies #1 (Rag Studios / Daniel Clyne 1969)
- [JK.0720] Fear #1 (Pandemonium Productions 1973) .20
- [JK.0721] Fear and Laughter (Brand, Geary, Pound, Todd a.o. – Kitchen Sink 1977) 1.00
- [JK.0722] Feds 'n' Heads Comics Comics (Print Mint 1968) .35
- [JK.0723] Feelgood Funnies #1 (Foolbert Sturgeon – Rip Off Press 1972) .50
- Feelgood Funnies #2 (Foolbert Sturgeon – Rip Off Press 1984) 2.00
- [JK.0724] Felch Cumics (Crumb, Wilson, Spain a.o.) no price
- Fem Fantastique #3 (Paragon Publications 1978)
- [JK.0725] Female a Monster among Men (Terry A. Kaegin / Chaptain Carmel Productions 1981) 2.00
- Femzine #1 (Paragon Publications 1981)
- [JK.0726] Fever Dreams (Kitchen Sink 1972) .50
- [JK.0727] Fever Pitch #1 (Jabberwocky Graphix / Brad W. Foster 1978) 1.00
- [JK.0728] Fever Pitch #2 (Jabberwocky Graphix / Brad W. Foster 1978) 1.00
- [JK.0729] Fever Pitch #3 (Jabberwocky Graphix / Brad W. Foster 1979) 1.75
- [JK.0730] Fever Pitch #4 (Jabberwocky Graphix / Brad W. Foster 1980) 2.00
- Fever Pitch #5 (Jabberwocky Graphix / Brad W. Foster 1982)
- Fever Pitch #6 (Jabberwocky Graphix / Brad W. Foster 198?)
- Fever Pitch #7 (Jabberwocky Graphix / Brad W. Foster 198?)
- Fever Pitch #8 (Jabberwocky Graphix / Brad W. Foster 1988)
- Fictional Narratives; A Selection Of (Fantagraphics Books 1971) .50
- [JK.0731] 50´s Funnies 1 (Kitchen Sink 1980) 1.25
- Figment 1 (Fall 1975 by Richard “Rick” Stoner)
- [JK.0732] doesnt exist in the guide!?
- [JK.0733] Fillipino Food (Olympia Press 1972) 3.95
- [JK.0734] Filmsy Excuses (Lily Gilding c/o Darrow Dalison 1980) 1.50
- [JK.0735] Final Spark (CAD Media Conglomerate / Clark Allen Dissmeyer 1981) 1.00
- Fire Sale (Rip Off Press 1989) 2.50
- [JK.0736] Fireworxaris (Dennis Todd 1977) (.25)
- [JK.0737] First Empire Funnies ((San Francisco Comic Book Company) 1972) .07
- [JKg.076] First Kingdom #1 (Comics and Comix Co., 1974) $1.00
- [JKg.077] First Kingdom #2 (Comics and Comix Co., 1974/75) $1.00
- [JKg.078] First Kingdom #3 (Comics and Comix Co., 1975) $1.00
- [JKg.079] First Kingdom #4 (Comics and Comix Co., 1976) $1.00
- [JKg.080] First Kingdom #5 (Comics and Comix Co., 1976/77) $1.00
- [JKg.081] First Kingdom #6 (Comics and Comix Co., 1977) $1.00
- [JKg.082] First Kingdom #7 (Bud Plant, 1977) $1.00
- [JKg.083] First Kingdom #8 (Bud Plant, 1978) $1.00
- [JKg.084] First Kingdom #9 (Bud Plant, 1978) $1.00
- [JKg.085] First Kingdom #10 (Bud Plant, 1979) $1.00
- [JKg.086] First Kingdom #11 (Bud Plant, 1979) $1.25
- [JKg.087] First Kingdom #12 (Bud Plant, 1980) $1.25
- [JKg.088] First Kingdom #13 (Bud Plant, 1980) $1.25
- [JKg.089] First Kingdom #14 (Bud Plant, 1981) $1.50
- [JKg.090] First Kingdom (Wallaby Pocketbook, March 1978) $5.95
- [JK.0738] First Klass Komiks 1 (Jim Valentino / Frivolous Funnies 1980) (.50)
- [JK.0739] Fishtales for Supper 1 (Vojtkomics / Bob Vojtko 1976) .25
- [JK.0740] Fishtales for Supper 2 (Bob Vojtko 1978) .25
- [JK.0741] Fit to be Tied (Jim Valentino 1981) free
- [JK.0742] Fix (Howski Grafix Studios 1977)
- Flam #1 (Teat Horn 1989) 3.00
- [JK.0743] Flamed-Out Funnies #1 (Willy Murphy – Rip Off Press 1976) .75
- [JK.0744] Flamed-Out Funnies #2 (Willy Murphy – Rip Off Press 1976) .75
- [JK.0745] Flaming Baloney X (Propaganda Ink) 1.00
- [JK.0746] Flaming Carrot Comics 1 (Killian Barracks 1981) 1.95
- [JK.0747] Flash Theatre (Oogle Productions 1970) .50
- Flawless Man, A (Barry Deutsch 1988)
- [JK.0748] Fleshapoids from Earth, Comics & Stories (Popular Culture Exploitation Press / Dave Geary 1974) .65
- [JK.0749] Fly with us (Rick Geary 1980)
- FNBK #7 “OBSCURE OBSCENE” (see Obscure Fun Book #7)
- [JK.0750] Fog City Comics #1 (Rand Holmes, Metzger a.o. – Stampart 1977) 1.00
- [JK.0751] Fog City Comics #2 (Rand Holmes, Boates, Metzger a.o. – Stampart 1978) 1.00
- [JK.0752] Fog City Comics #3 (Rand Holmes, Boates, Metzger a.o. – Stampart 1979) 2.00
- [JK.0753] Fold-Out Funnies 1 Presents the May say Show (Pockey-Press Publications 1981) .65
- [JK.0754] Fold-Out Funnies 2 Presents the Lone Wolf speaks out! (Pockey-Press Publications 1981)
- [JK.0755] Folk Funnies #2 (Co. & Sons 1973)
- [JK.0756] Folk-Lore (Keith Caron 1978-79) free
- Foo Story (1971) free
- [JK.0757] Foo!; The Complete (Bijou Publishing Empire Inc. 1980) (11.00)
- [JK.0758] Food Comix (Educomics 1980) 1.25
- [JK.0759] Food for Thought (Tom Brinkmann 1980) .50
- Food First (I.F.D.P. 1982) 1.00
- [JK.0760] Forbidden Knowledge #1 Comics (DiCaprio, Himes, Chidlaw a.o. – Last Gasp 1975) .75
- [JK.0761] Forbidden Knowledge #2 (Greenwood, Von X, Osborne a.o. – Last Gasp 1978) 1.00
- [JK.0762] Forty Year Old Hippie Catalog; The Whole (#1): The Whole F Y O H Catalog (Richards-Rip Off Press 1978)
- Forty Year Old Hippie #2 (Ted Richards – Rip Off Press 1979) 1.25
- [JK.0763] Foster History of unknown Comics Part 1 (Jabberwocky Graphix 1981) (1.00)
- [JK.0764] Four Sketchbooks and a Table of Useful Information (Apex Novelties 1973) .50
- [JK.0765] Four Star Final (Rip Off Press 1970) .25
- Four-Fisted Tales #1 (Comics Consortium 1982) 1.25
- Four-Fisted Tales #2 (Mountain View/Comic Consortium 1982) 1.50
- Frank (Broadside press 1970)
- [JK.0766] Frankfurter Funnies #1 (Mendal Marks 1973)
- [JK.0767] Frankfurter Funnies #2 (Eroticon Productions c/o Mendal Marks 1976)
- [JK.0768] Freak Brothers #1: The Collected Freak Brothers (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1971) .50
- [JK.0769] Freak Brothers #2: Further adventures (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1972) .50
- [JK.0770] Freak Brothers #3: A year passes like nothing (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1973) .50
- [JK.0771] Freak Brothers #4: Brother, can you spare 75 c? (Shelton/Sheridan – Rip Off Press 1975) .75
- [JK.0772] Freak Brothers #5: Grass roots (Rip Off Press 1977) .75
- [JK.0773] Freak Brothers #6: Six snappy Sockeroos (Shelton- Rip Off Press 1980) 1.25
- Freak Brothers #7: Several Short Stories (Shelton – Rip Off Press 1982) 2.00
- Freak Brothers #8: The idiots abroad, part one (Shelton/Mavrides – Rip Off Press 1984) 2.00 color
- Freak Brothers #9: The idiots abroad, part two (Shelton/Mavrides – Rip Off Press 1985) 2.00 color
- Freak Brothers #10: The idiots abroad, part three (Shelton/Mavrides – Rip Off Press 1987) 2.25 color
- Freak Brothers #11 (Shelton/Mavrides – Rip Off Press 1990) 2.50 color
- [JK.0774] Fred and Ned Comics (Bruce N. Duncan 1980) 1.00
- [JK.0775] Fred Foil #1 (Bill Sherman 1977) .05
- [JK.0776] Fred Foil #2 (Bill Sherman 1978) .05
- Freedom; Alexander Saviuk Presents (Alexander Saviuk 1977) .40
- [JK.0777] Fresca Zizis (Melinda Gebbie – Last Gasp 1977) 1.00
- [JK.0778] Fresh Blood Funny Book (J. Michael Leonard – Last Gasp 1978) 1.25
- [JK.0779] Fresh Comix #1 (Topper Helmer 1974)
- [JK.0780] Fresno Comix #1 (Commonwealth Graphics 1973) free
- [JK.0781] Frezno Funnies #1; Doug Hansen’s (Doug Hansen 1973) .50
- [JK.0782] Fresno Funnies #2 (Flying Pyramid Enterprises / Doug Hansen 1975) .75
- [JK.0783] Fried Brains (1) (Comix World 1979) (.50)
- [JK.0784] Fried Brains 2 (Comix World 1979) (.50)
- [JK.0785] Fried Brains 3 (Comix World 1980) (.50)
- [JK.0786] Fried Brains 4 (Comix World 1981) .50
- [JK.0787] Fried Brains 5 (Comix World 1981) .50
- [JK.0788] Fried Brains 6 (Comix World 1981) .50
- [JK.0789] Friendly Garbage! (Bobby Sommerkamp 1981) .50
- [JK.0790] Fritz bugs out (Robert Crumb - Ballantine Books Inc. 1972) 1.00
- [JK.0791] Fritz the No-Good (Robert Crumb - Ballantine Books Inc. 1972) 1.00
- [JK.0792] Fritz the Cat, R. Crumb´s (Robert Crumb - Ballantine Books Inc. 1969) 2.95
- Frontline Wombat #1 (Dave Sim - Aardvark-Vanaheim Sept 1981) 1.50
- Frontline Wombat #2 (Dave Sim - Aardvark-Vanaheim Oct 1981) 1.50
- [JK.0793] Frozen Yoghurt (Bill Sherman 1979) .35
- [JK.0794] Fuckin’ A Funnies / Four-Bit Funnies 3 (Jim Valentino 1979) .75
- Fuddle Duddle Vol. 1 No. 5 (JRD Publishing 1972) .50
- Fugitoid (Mirage Studios 1985) 1.50
- [JK.0795] Fuktup Funnies (Head Imports 1972) .75
- (Fun Book series, see Obscure Fun Book)
- [JK.0796] Fungus (Gahd Daemitt Pub / Les Cabarga 1969) .50
- [JK.0797] Funny Aminals #1 (Apex Novelties 1972) .50
- [JK.0798] Funny Animal Detective Stories #1 (Tom Durham 1978) .50
- [JK.0799] Funny Animal Lust / Everyman Comics Mini Series #7 (Everyman Studios 1979) $0.25
- [JK.0800] Funnybook (Pflug, Welz a.o. – Almighty Publishing Company 1971) .50
- [JK.0801] Funnybook #1; The (Almighty Publishing Co. Presents 1975) .25
- Funnybook #2; The New (Larry Fuller Presents 1977) .50
- Funnybook #3; The New (Larry Fuller Presents 1978) .50
- [JK.0802] Funny Insect 1 (Comix World / Clay Geerdes 1979) (.50)
- [JK.0803] Funny Law (Comix World / Clay Geerdes 1980) (.50)
- [JK.0804] Funny Organs 1 (Comix World / Clay Geerdes 1980) (.50)
- [JK.0805] Funny Organs 2 (Comix World / Clay Geerdes 1981) (.50)
- [JK.0806] Funny Organs 3 (Comix World / Clay Geerdes 1982) (.50)
- Funny Papers #1; The (Funny Papers, Inc. 1975) .60 Tabloid
- Funny Papers #2; The (Funny Papers, Inc. 1975) .60 Tabloid
- Funny Papers #3; The (Funny Papers, Inc. 1975) .60 Tabloid
- [JK.0807] Funny Paper #1 (Richard Krauss 1978) .25
- [JK.0808] Funny Paper #2 (Richard Krauss 1978) .50
- [JK.0809] Funny Paper #3 (Richard Krauss 1979) .50
- Further Adventures of Doll (Kitchen Sink 1995) 15.95
- Further Adventures of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers: See Freak Brothers #2
- Fuzzy Nip's #1 (Wildcat Press, 1987)
- Fuzzy Nip's #2 (Wildcat Press, 1988) $2.00
f_titles.txt · Last modified: 2011/06/18 14:54 by